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Guide to Behavior Change
DHHS. NIH. NHLBI. Obesity Education Initiative.
Learn to evaluate your behavior and attitude toward food.
High-Protein Diets
American Heart Association.
Read about the American Heart Association's position on high protein diets and their recommendations for weight loss.
How Do You Maintain Weight Loss?
American Heart Association.
Get tips and advice to help keep the pounds off.
How to Avoid Portion Size Pitfalls to Help Manage Your Weight
DHHS. CDC. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Food portions have gotten larger over the years, making it easier to overeat. Get some practical tips for controlling portions.
How to Cook a Better Way  (PDF|549 KB)
Food and Health Communications
Quick tips for lowering the fat and calories in your cooking.
Losing Weight Safely
DHHS. Food and Drug Administration.
Tri-fold brochure providing general weight loss tips . Also in Spanish.
Losing Weight: Start By Counting Calories
DHHS. Food and Drug Administration.
Learn about the behaviors common in individuals that have sucessfully lost weight and how to apply these attributes to your own weight loss plan.
BooksNutrition Action Healthletter Rates Diet Books
Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Explore what's behind the hype of some of the most popular diet plans on the consumer market.
Nutrition for your Child: Ten Steps to a Healthy Weight  (PDF|64 KB)
24 Carrot Press. Feeding Kids Newsletter.
Helps parents educate their children about living a healthy lifestyle through nutrition and physical activity.
Obesity, Physical Activity, and Weight Control Glossary
DHHS. NIDDK. Weight-control Information Network.
Defines words often used when people talk or write about obesity, physical activity, and weight control; written for people who are overweight or obese, or interested in learning more about these.
Sample Reduced-Calorie Menus
DHHS. NIH. NHLBI. Obesity Education Initiative.
Features traditional-American, Asian-American, Southern, Mexican- American, and lacto-ovo vegetarian 1200 and 1600 calorie menus.
Department of Health and Human Services.
This site provides inspiration and practical guidance to those interested in adopting a healthy lifestyle. Helps you make gradual steps with tips, recipes and a newsletter. Success stories inspire by showing how others have made positive changes. Has a site for teens and adults, and another for kids. Also in Spanish.
The 10 Commandments of Weight Loss/10 Bright Ideas for Weight Loss  (PDF|90 KB)
Food and Health Communications, Inc.
Follow these behavioral techniques to resist temptations and keep the weight off.
ScaleThink Smart: Find a New Start
American Heart Association.
Learn the steps necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle to support your weight loss goal.
Weight Cycling
DHHS. NIH. Weight-Control Information Network.
Learn about the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and how to avoid weight cycling.
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Last Modified: Apr 30, 2009  
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