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Exhibiting in the GMR

Exhibits have proven to be an effective means of promoting the products and services of the National Library of Medicine (NLM External Link Indicator) and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM External Link Indicator), Greater Midwest Region (GMR), to large groups of health professionals as well as to community organizations, including public libraries, that provide health information to consumers. Additionally, exhibits enable local librarians to meet with specific clients in their own territory to promote the services and resources of their own institutions.

  • Volunteer to Assist at GMR Exhibits

    The GMR sponsors a number of national and regional exhibits each contract year. We always welcome volunteer help at these events. Please look for announcements on your state email listserv or visit our GMR Calendar External Link Indicator for upcoming events. Contact the coordinator of the events at which you want to volunteer. Please note that the GMR will reimburse for travel expenses and some meals. We deeply appreciate your involvement and look forward to hearing from you.

  • Apply for an Exhibit Award for Regional Events

    The NN/LM GMR, under contract with NLM, offers a number of Exhibit Awards each contract year to NN/LM GMR Full and Affiliate Members to exhibit at state and local health association meetings, state or public library association meetings or community organization programs serving consumers. Up to $1,500 is available for costs associated with exhibiting. A minimum of nine awards will be made in 2008/2009 and proposals are accepted continuously. Proposals not funded in one contract year may be resubmitted in subsequent years. Please allow at least two (2) months prior to the exhibit for proposal review.
    To apply, visit Exhibit Award - Request for Proposals. Please also visit our list of Exhibit Award - Recipients.

Additional Exhibiting Links

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