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Treatment for Drug Exposed Women and Their Children

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 166 [Printed in 1996]

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Table of Contents

Introduction to the Perinatal-20 Treatment Research Demonstration Program-----1
Elizabeth R. Rahdert


Building Bridges: Treatment Research Partnerships in the Community-----6
Ira J. Chasnoff, Paul R. Marques, Irma H. Strantz,
James Farrow, and Shoni Davis

Conducting a Treatment Research Project in a Medical Center-Based Program for Chemically Dependent Pregnant Women-----22
Ellen Mason

Two Therapeutic Communities for Substance-Abusing Women and Their Children------32
Peggy Glider, Patrick Hughes, Rod Mullen,
Shirley Coletti, Lee Sechrest, Robert Neri,
Bobbi Renner, and Donna Sicilian


Case Management: A Method of Addressing Subject Selection and Recruitment Issues------52
Mary Ann LaFazia, Jeanne Kleyn, Jean Lanz, Teri Hall,
Kris Nyrop, Kenneth D. Stark, Christopher Hansen, and
D. Heather Watts

Issues in Subject Recruitment and Retention With Pregnant and Parenting Substance-Abusing Women------68
Judy Howard and Leila Beckwith

Recruitment and Retention of Adolescent Women in Drug Treatment Research-------87
Lawrence A. Palinkas, Catherine J. Atkins, Pamela Noel,
and Christopher Miller

Retention Issues Involving Drug-Abusing Women in Treatment Research-------110
Robert A. Lewis, Deborah L. Haller, Doreen Branch,
and Karen S. Ingersoll


The Psychosocial History: An Interview for Pregnant and Parenting Women in Substance Abuse Treatment and Research-------123
Marilee Comfort and Karol A. Kaltenbach

Assessment of Perinatal Substance Abusers: Experiences of One Perinatal-20 Project-------143
Deborah L. Haller and Karen S. Ingersoll

Kinchart-Sociograms as a Method for Describing the Social Networks of Drug-Using Women-------163
Anitra Pivnick

Factors To Consider When Using Hair as a Cocaine-Exposure Measure for Mothers or Newborns-------183
Paul R. Marques

The NICU Network Neurobehavioral Scale: A Comprehensive Instrument To Assess Substance-Exposed and High-Risk Infants-------198
Edward Z. Tronick and Barry M. Lester

Measurement of the Early Rearing Environment: Caregiver-Child Interaction-------205
Leila Beckwith

Measures of Service Utilization-------225
Mary E. McCaul and Dace S. Svikis

A Database Model for Studies of Cocaine-Dependent Pregnant Women and Their Families-------242
Peter A. Charpentier and Richard S. Schottenfeld

Designing a Research Database Management System-------254
Kathryn S. Dawson and Sidney H. Schnoll

Compensating for Deficiencies in Perinatal Data Sets: Parametric Perspectives-------272
A. Scott Tippetts and Paul R. Marques

Analysis and Use of Qualitative Data-------292
Souraya Sidani and Lee Sechrest

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