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New Approaches to Treatment of Chronic Pain: A Review of Multidisciplinary Pain Clinics and Pain Centers

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 36 [Printed in 1981]

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John J. Bonica

A Perspective on Chronic Pain: Treatment and Research-----1
Lorenz K.Y. Ng

Treatment of Chronic Pain: The Center for Pain Studies, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago-----12
Robert G. Addison

A Holistic Approach to Pain Rehabilitation: The Boston Pain Unit-----33
Gerald M. Aronoff

Multidisciplinary Treatment of Chronic Pain at the Northwest Pain Center-----41
Joel Seres, John R. Painter, and Richard I. Newman

A Comprehensive Model for the Study and Therapy of Pain: Johns Hopkins Pain Research and Treatment Program-----66
Donlin M. Long

Chronic Pain as a Learned Experience: Emory University Pain Control Center-----76
Steven F. Brena, Stanley L. Chapman, and Roger Decker

Coordinated Out-Patient Management of Chronic Pain at the University of Virginia Pain Clinic-----84
Harold Carron and John C. Rowlingson

Pain and Low Back Rehabilitation Program at the University of Miami School of Medicine-----92
Hubert L. Rosomoff, Catherine Green, Marc Silbret, and Renee Steele

Comparative Aspects of Chronic Pain in the Head and Neck Versus Trunk and Appendages: Experiences of the Multidisciplinary University of North Carolina Pain Clinic-----112
John Gregg and Jawahar N. Ghia

Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Spine and Herpetic Neuralgia at the Pain Center, Mount Sinai Medical Center-----118
Frank Moya

Profiles of Pain Patients, Including Chronic Pelvic Pain: University of Washington Clinical Pain Service-----122
Terence M. Murphy

A Headache Clinic's Experience: Diamond Headache Clinic, Ltd. Jose L. Medina and Seymour Diamond

. . . . . . . 130

Chronic Pain Syndrome--Four Aspects of the Problem: New Hope Pain Center and Pain Research Foundation-----137
Benjamin L. Crue and Jack J. Pinsky

Current Issues in the Management of Cancer Pain: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center-----169
Kathleen M. Foley

Appendix--Workshop Recommendations Research-----185

Professional Education and Training-----186

Public Education-----191

List of Monographs-----195

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