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Behavioral Tolerance: Research and Treatment Implications

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 18 [Printed in 1978]

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Table of Contents

William Pollin

Heinz Kohut

Norman A. Krasnegor

Theoretical Basis of Behavioral Tolerance: Implications of the Phenomenon for Problems of Drug Abuse-----4
Charles R. Schuster

Behavioral Tolerance-----18
P. B. Dews

A Pavlovian Conditioning Analysis of Morphine-----27
Shepard Siegel

Narcotic Tolerance and Operant Behavior-----54
James H. Woods and John Carney

Conditioning Effects of Narcotics in Humans-----67
Charles P. O'Brien, Thomas Testa, Joseph Ternes, and Robert Greenstein.

Tolerance as a Behavioral Phenomenon: Evidence From Two Experimental Paradigms-----72
A. E. Le Blanc, C. X. Poulos, and H. D. Cappell.

Environmental Influences-on Marihuana Tolerance-----90
Brooks Carder

Behavioral Tolerance to Marihuana-----103
Douglas P. Ferraro

Behavioral Tolerance: Lessons Learned From Cannabis Research-----118
Reese T. Jones

Behavioral Tolerance to Cocaine-----127
William R. Woolverton and Charles R. Schuster.

Behavioral and pharmacological Components of Phenobarbital Tolerance-----142
Maisy Tang and John L. Falk.


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