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Integrating Behavioral Therapies With Medications in the Treatment of Drug Dependence

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 150 [Printed in 1995]

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Table of Contents

Medications and Behavioral Therapies: The Whole May Be Greater Than the Sum of the Parts-----1
Lisa Simon Onken, Jack D. Blaine, and John J. Boren

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Methadone Using Psychotherapeutic Interventions-----5
Charles P. O’Brien, George E. Woody, and A. Thomas McLellan

Integrating Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy for Cocaine Dependence: Results From a Randomized Clinical Trial-----19
Kathleen M. Carroll, Bruce J. Rounsaville, Charla Nich, Lynn Gordon, and Frank Gawin

Can Psychotherapy Rescue Naltrexone Treatment of Opioid Addiction?-----37
Bruce J. Rounsaville

Strategies To Maximize the Efficacy of Naltrexone for Alcohol Dependence-----53
Stephanie S. O‘Malley

Disulfiram (Antabuse) Contracts in Treatment of Alcoholism-----65
Timothy J. O’Farrell, John P. Allen, and Raye Z. Litten

Combining Behavioral Therapy and Pharmacotherapy for Smoking Cessation: An Update-----92
John R. Hughes

Integrating Psychological and Pharmacological Treatment of Dually Diagnosed Patients-----110
Roger D. Weiss, Shelly F. Greenfield, and Lisa M. Najavits

Combining Pharmacotherapy With Psychotherapy for Substance Abusers With Borderline Personality Disorder: Strategies for Enhancing Compliance-----129
Marsha M. Linehan

Integration of Behavioral and Pharmacological Treatments for Panic Disorder: Implications for the Treatment of Substance Dependence-----143
Michael W. Otto, Murk H. Pollack, Susan G. Ball, and Jerrold F. Rosenbaum

Some Methodological Comments-----167
Kenneth I. Howard

Stephen T. Higgins

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