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Economic Costs, Cost-Effectiveness, Financing, and Community-Based Drug Treatment

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 113 [Printed in 1991]

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Table of Contents


Introduction and Summary-----1
William S. Cartwright and James M. Kaple

Economic Costs of Drug Abuse

Economic Costs of Drug Abuse-----10
Dorothy P. Rice, Sander Kelman, and Leonard S. Miller

Economic Cost of Illicit Drug Studies: Critique and Research Agenda-----33
Jody L. Sindelar

Economics and Drugs: Promises, Problems, and Prospects-----46
Henrick J. Harwood

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Drug Abuse Treatment Services-----57
Robert Apsler

Cost-Effectiveness of Drug Abuse Treatment: Relevant Issues and Alternative Longitudinal Modeling Approaches-----67
Yih-lng Hser and M. Douglas Anglin

New Perspectives on the Benefit-Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of Drug Abuse Treatment-----94
Robert L. Hubbard and Michael T. French

Cost-Effectiveness of Drug Abuse Treatment for Primary Prevention of Acquired lmmunodeficiency Syndrome: Epidemiologic Considerations-----114
Thomas M. Lampinen

Financing Services for Drug Abuse Treatment

Policy-Relevant Research on Drug Treatment-----129
Dean R. Gerstein

Community-Based Drug Treatment Reimbursement: Progress and Barriers-----148
Benjamin C. Duggar

Financing Treatment for Substance Abuse-----165
Mark V. Pauly

Forecasting the Cost of Drug Abuse Treatment Coverage in Private Health Insurance-----175
Thomas G. McGuire and Barbara F. Shatkin

Health Insurance Coverage Questions, Public Health Surveys, and Drug Abuse-----190
William S. Cariwright and Albert M. Woodward


William S. Cartwright and James M. Kaple

List of NIDA Research Monographs 212

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