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Improving Drug Abuse Treatment

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 106 [Printed in 1991]

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Frederick K. Goodwin

Overview of Treatment Issues-----1
Roy W. Pickens and Bennett W. Fletcher

Drug Treatment Services: Funding and Admissions-----20
William Butynski

Do More . . . and Do It Better: Staff-Related Issues in the Drug Treatment Field That Affect the Quality and Effectiveness of Services-----53
John S. Gustafson

Outpatient Drug Abuse Treatment Services, 1988: Results of a National Survey-----63
Richard H. Price, A. Celeste Burke, Thomas A. DÕAunno, David M. Klingel, William C. McCaughrin, Jane A. Rafferty, and Thomas E. Vaughn

Treatment Outcomes for Drug Abuse Clients-----93
Frank M. Tims, Bennett W. Fletcher, and Robert L. Hubbard

Patient Treatment Matching: A Conceptual and Methodological Review With Suggestions for Future Research-----114
A. Thomas McLellan and Arthur I. Alterman

Client Issues in Drug Abuse Treatment: Addressing Multiple Drug Abuse-----136
Thomas R. Kosten

Addressing Psychiatric Comorbidity-----152
George E. Woody, A. Thomas McLellan, Charles P. OÕBrien, and Lester Luborsky

Are There Minimum Conditions Necessary for Methadone Maintenance To Reduce Intravenous Drug Use and AIDS Risk Behaviors?-----167
Anna Rose Childress, A. Thomas McLellan, George E. Woody, and Charles P. OÕBrien

Reducing Illicit Drug Use Among Methadone Patients-----178
Maxine L. Stitzer and Kimberly C. Kirby

Improving Client Compliance in Outpatient Treatment: Counselor-Targeted Interventions-----204
Mary E. McCaul and Dace S. Svikis

Retention in Drug-Free Therapeutic Communities-----218
George De Leon

Using Methadone Effectively: Achieving Goals by Application of Laboratory, Clinical, and Evaluation Research and by Development of Innovative Programs-----245
Mary Jeanne Kreek

Using Psychotherapy Effectively in Drug Abuse Treatment-----267
Lisa Simon Onken

Relapse Prevention-----279
Sharon M. Hall, David A. Wasserman and Barbara E. Havassy

Conditioning Factors May Help To Understand and Prevent Relapse in Patients Who Are Recovering From Drug Dependence-----293
Charles P. OÕBrien, Anna Rose Childress, and A. Thomas McLellan

Some Special Considerations for Treatment of Drug Abuse and Dependence in Women-----313
Jack H. Mendelson, Roger Weiss, Margaret Griffin, Steven M. Mirin, Siew K. Teoh, Nancy K. Mello, and Barbara W. Lex

Opportunities for Enhancing Drug Abuse Treatment With Criminal Justice Authority-----328
Carl G. Leukefeld

Contemporary Issues in Drug Abuse Treatment Linkage With Self-Help Groups-----338
David N. Nurco, Philip Stephenson, and Thomas E. Hanlon

Primary Care and Intravenous Drug Abuse Treatment-----349
Richard J. Russo

Establishing a Methadone Quality Assurance System: Rationale and Objectives-----358
James R. Cooper

Methadone Maintenance and Patients in Alcoholism Treatment-----365
Enoch Gordis

Community Resistance to Drug Treatment Program Placement-----373
Chauncey L. Veatch Ill

The Impact of AIDS on Drug Abuse Treatment-----385
Lawrence S. Brown, Jr.

Improving Drug Abuse Treatment: Recommendations for Research and Practice------394
Carl G. Leukefeld, Roy W. Pickens, and Charles R. Schuster

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----407

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