Nikki Dettmar

Picture of Nikki Dettmar

Hi! I'm the Acting Education & Assessment Coordinator in the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Pacific Northwest Region (NN/LM PNR). My primary focus is both coordinating and teaching via distance education modalities for the region and I have a Level II Consumer Health Information Specialization from the Medical Library Association (MLA).

I am a December 2007 graduate of the University of North Texas distance program with a health informatics fellowship, and my previous background of 10 years is human resources & payroll at University of Washington Medicine.

Country:United States
City/town:Seattle, WA
Courses:Caring for the Mind: Providing Reference Services for Mental Health Information (Pacific Northwest Region), Keeping the Faith: Using the Web to Enhance Your Health Ministry, Can You Hear Me Now: How to Make a Podcast
Last access:Thursday, May 14, 2009, 01:20 PM  (8 secs)
Interests: gardening, genealogy, blogging, coffee, tea, family fun