Training Program Descriptions
Basic Training   |   Advanced Training  |   Auditor Training

FY 09 Catalog available in adobe acrobat format

Basic Training Program Descriptions Schedule & Cost

IG Investigator Training Program (IG-ITP)
Only available to participating OIG agencies

The IG-ITP is a 3-week basic training program designed to provide required training to new Inspector General (IG) Special Agents as recommended in the PCIE/ECIE Quality Standards for Investigations. This program builds on the foundation provided in the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center's Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP) by introducing Special Agents to the IG Act of 1978, as amended, and the multitude of authorities, duties, responsibilities, and obligations that stem from this Act. Instruction is provided by a variety of subject matter experts from the IG community and the federal government in the following topical areas:

  • Orientation to the IG community
  • PCIE/ECIE Quality Standards for Investigations
  • Case Development
  • Investigative Planning
  • Interviewing Techniques
  • IG Subpoenas
  • Employee Rights and Obligations
  • Represented Parties
  • Employee Misconduct Investigations
  • Workplace Searches
  • Program/Benefit Fraud Investigations
  • Contract Fraud Investigations
  • Grant and Loan Fraud Investigations
  • Civil and Administrative Remedies
  • Suspension and Debarment
  • Firearms training
  • Use of Force training and judgment drills
  • Defensive Tactics training and drills
  • Risk and Threat Assessment
  • Sources of Information
  • Specialized Investigative Tools and Techniques
  • Investigative writing
  • Affidavits and Sworn Statements
  • Case presentation
  • Search Warrant preparation and execution

Practical skill application is at the heart of this student-centered program that utilizes performance-based methodology. Students are expected to "learn by doing" in a controlled environment, participating in a variety of individual, small group, and large group exercises. Most of these exercises are in the context of simulated investigations that run throughout the duration of the class. Students are mentored individually and in small groups by experienced and active IG criminal investigators who facilitate IG-ITP and provide realistic and timely insight. Students should expect to spend some after-hours and weekend time completing course assignments.

Student Comments:

"I thoroughly enjoyed the IG Academy. The training was excellent, and I truly appreciated the opportunity to work closely with investigators from other agencies. I am sure that you deliberately mix up the tables so that the investigators from the same agencies aren’t always together, and I hope you continue to do so. I learned new ways of approaching cases, writing reports, and interviewing, and I made some great connections for the future. Good luck with future classes. Hopefully I will be back for some advanced training from the IG Academy."

Who should attend IG-ITP:
Special Agents/Criminal Investigators:
a) with less than 5 years federal criminal investigative experience;
b) who have received minimal or no advanced IG training;
c) preferably within their first year of OIG employment,
recommended within 3-6 months of completing CITP;
d) who have successfully completed the FLETC's Criminal Investigator Training
Program (CITP) OR federal law enforcement training equivalent.

The training venue is the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco, Georgia. Tuition for FY09 is $3,376.

Course numbers and dates offered:
IG-ITP 901    1/26 - 2/13/09   (FLETC/Glynco, GA)
IG-ITP 902    3/23 - 4/10/09   (FLETC/Glynco, GA)
IG-ITP 903    4/27 - 5/15/09   (FLETC/Glynco, GA)
IG-ITP 904    9/14 - 10/2/09   (FLETC/Glynco, GA)

FY-09 IG-ITP Costs
Meals Lodging * Misc. IGA Tuition Total per student
$280.25 $702.24 $0.00 $3,376.00 $4,358.49

* GA and SC Lodging rate are estimates. Your agency will be charged at actual cost which could vary from $11.80/night - $125/night at Glynco and $11.80 - $137/night at FLETC/SC, Charleston, per student, depending on housing availability. FLETC/SC, Charleston, depending on housing availability.

IG Transitional Training Program (IG-TTP)

The IG-TTP is a 3-day training program designed to provide required basic training in IG-specific investigative issues and techniques that will meet the needs of experienced federal criminal investigators who have recently been hired by an Office of Inspector General (OIG). This program builds upon the criminal investigator's previous federal law enforcement investigative experience and advanced training.

Instruction is provided by a variety of subject matter experts from the IG community and the federal government in the following topical areas:

  • Introduction to the IG Community
  • The IG Act of 1978, as amended
  • PCIE Quality Standards
  • IG Subpoenas
  • Civil and Administrative Statutes and Remedies
  • Employee Rights and Obligations
  • Workplace Searches
  • Represented Parties
  • Grant Fraud Investigations
  • Government Procurement Process and Fraud Schemes
  • Program Fraud Investigations
  • Specialized Investigative Tools
  • Agent Liability

Student Comments:

"Good course for experienced 1811's."

"I think overall the classes were quite good and useful for those of us transitioning to OIG from traditional law enforcement."

Who should attend IG-TTP:
Special Agents/Criminal Investigators
(a) who have successfully completed the FLETC's Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP) or its federal law enforcement training equivalent
(b) with more than 3 years federal criminal investigative experience, who have completed another federal agency-specific basic (follow-on) training program
(c) who, preferably, are within their first year of OIG employment. (Note: It is recommended that experienced agents attend IG-TTP within 3-6 months of beginning OIG employment.)
OIG Special Agents/Criminal Investigators who have been so employed for 5 or more years and have not received IG-specific basic training (IG-ITP or IG-TTP).
** This program is not recommended for non-federal agencies because of its specificity to the Federal OIG community.

Tuition for FY09 is $695

Course numbers and dates offered:
IG-TTP 901    3/17 - 3/19/09   (FLETC/Glynco, GA)
IG-TTP 902    7/14 - 7/17/09   (FLETC/Glynco, GA)

FY-09 IG-TTP (GA) Costs
Meals Lodging * Misc. IGA Tuition Total per student
$59.00 $147.84 $0.00 $695.00 $901.84

* GA and SC Lodging rate are estimates. Your agency will be charged at actual cost which could vary from $11.80/night - $125/night at Glynco and $11.80 - $137/night at FLETC/SC, Charleston, per student, depending on housing availability. FLETC/SC, Charleston, depending on housing availability.

IG Basic Non-Criminal Investigator Training Program (IG-BNCITP)

The IG-BNCITP is a 2-week training program designed to familiarize non-criminal investigators and Inspector General employees, other than criminal investigators, with basic criminal, civil, and administrative legal concepts and procedures, common fraud schemes, and investigative techniques typical to the IG community. IG-BNCITP is appropriate for federal, state/local, and military inspector general personnel, who conduct, participate in, support or assist criminal, civil, or administrative investigations. This program has been well received by general (non-criminal) investigators, auditors, attorneys, analysts, evaluators, inspectors, hotline operators, investigative scientists, etc.

IG-BNCITP is facilitated by experienced IG criminal investigators from the field who share their expertise in small groups and with individual students. Instruction is primarily provided by subject matter experts from the IG community, the IG Academy and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This is an interactive program. Therefore, students will conduct interviews, write an investigative plan and report, and participate in a mock presentation of a criminal and administrative case. Some topics covered in this program include common fraud schemes, employee misconduct investigations, employee rights, confidential employee complainants, administrative subpoenas, interview techniques, investigative writing, sworn statements, and criminal, civil, and administrative remedies.

Student Comments:

"Excellent training! FLETC and the IG Academy have lived up to their reputation of a top notch, best in the country, law enforcement training center."

"This class was amazing to me, I learned so much more than I expected."

"Awesome class - my network grew exponentially."

"I believe that the material that I have learned in this course is invaluable in helping me to understand my position."

The training venue is the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco, Georgia. Tuition for FY09 is $2,729.

Course numbers and dates offered:
IG-BNCITP 901      12/2 - 12/12/08   (FLETC/Glynco, GA)
IG-BNCITP 901      2/24 - 3/6/09       (FLETC/Glynco, GA)
IG-BNCITP 903      7/28 - 8/7/09       (FLETC/Glynco, GA)
IG-BNCITP 904      8/18 - 8/28/09     (FLETC/Glynco, GA)

Meals Lodging * Misc. IGA Tuition Total per student
$177.00 $443.52 $317.04 $2,729.00 $3,666.56

* GA and SC Lodging rate are estimates. Your agency will be charged at actual cost which could vary from $11.80/night - $125/night at Glynco and $11.80 - $137/night at FLETC/SC, Charleston, per student, depending on housing availability. FLETC/SC, Charleston, depending on housing availability.

Advanced Training
Program Descriptions
Schedule & Cost

IG Periodic Refresher Training Program (IG-PRTP)

Criminal investigators within the Inspector General (IG) community must be aware of and adapt to the constant changes that occur in the laws they enforce and the legal environment in which they operate. This 3-day program was designed to meet that need, and was specifically tailored to meet the "periodic refresher training" requirements outlined in the Attorney General Guidelines for Offices of Inspector General with Law Enforcement Authority. As such, it covers the areas of the law enumerated in the Guidelines with emphasis on refresher instruction in the more important legal principles involved in investigative work and trial, as well as an update on any new case law. Instruction is provided by esteemed subject matter experts from the IG community, Department of Justice, other federal government and the private sector. Instruction is provided by a variety of subject matter experts from the OIG community and the federal government in the following topical areas:

  • Federal Criminal and Civil Legal Updates
  • Legal Issues in Law Enforcement Interviews (rights, warnings, obligations)
  • Trial Process - Evidence and Testimony
  • 4th Amendment Update
  • Investigator liability
  • Electronic Law
  • Civil False Claims Act and Qui Tam Actions
  • Parallel Proceedings
  • Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act
  • Administrative Personnel Actions
  • Administrative Hearings
  • Administrative Investigations - a Defense Perspective

Student Comments:

"This was the best FLETC/IG Academy class I've been to."

"Probably the best prepared and interesting training I have attended. Very impressive."

"The overall instructors and class would be hard to improve upon."

"This program was very informative and interesting. The instructors were outstanding. The topics covered were very pertinent and beneficial to me as a special agent."

Tuition for FY09 is $921.

Course numbers and dates offered:
CA-IG-PRTP 09     1/21 - 1/23/09   (San Diego, CA)
C_IG-PRTP 901      3/10 - 3/12/09  (Charleston, SC)
WV_IG-PRTP 09    6/23 - 6/25/09  (Shepherdstown, WV)
CHI_IG-PRTP 09    8/11 - 8/13/09  (Chicago, IL)

FY-09 IG-PRTP (CA & CHI) Costs
Meals Lodging * Misc. IGA Tuition Total per student
per diem per diem $0.00 $921.00 $921.00
FY-09 C_IG-PRTP (SC) Costs
Meals Lodging * Misc. IGA Tuition Total per student
$59.00 $320.00 $105.68 $921.00 $1,405.68
FY-09 WV_IG-PRTP (WV) Costs
On-Site (Meals & Lodging pkg) at NCTC ** IGA Tuition Total per student
$119 $921.00 $1,397.00

* GA and SC Lodging rate are estimates. Your agency will be charged at actual cost which could vary from $11.80/night - $125/night at Glynco and $11.80 - $137/night at FLETC/SC, Charleston, per student, depending on housing availability. FLETC/SC, Charleston, depending on housing availability.

** WV Training takes place at the National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV. Students lodging on site must participate in the NCTC Meal plan, which begins with dinner on the day of check-in and ends with lunch on the day of check-out. Room blocks are reserved at local hotels at the govt rate. Off-site lodging is available at the govt rate.

IG Public Corruption Investigations Training Program (IG-PCITP)

The IG_PCITP is a 4-day training program designed to instruct the investigator in the procedures, techniques and legal issues associated with investigating allegations of employee and agency corruption. This program will provide the investigator with the fundamentals of working several types of internal and public corruption cases. One hundred percent of recent participants agreed that they would be able to use the material learned to improve job performance. Topics covered include:

  • Public Corruption Statutes and Schemes
  • Indicators of Public Corruption
  • Considerations for Employee Interviews
  • Source Development
  • Special Concerns and Strategies
  • Investigative Tools and Techniques
  • Public Corruption Case Studies
  • Case Management and Partnering
  • A Defense Perspective
  • Administrative Investigations
  • Case Management and Partnering
  • The role and responsibilities of various entities involved in public corruption investigations

Student Comments:

"Enjoyed and benefited from case studies; legal review of statutes was helpful; learned new investigative tools and techniques - very worthwhile."

"This course is very good and the topics were excellent."

"Excellent, professional, relaxed, EXCELLENT!"

Tuition for IG-PCITP in FY09 is $1,182.

Course numbers and dates offered:
IG-PCITP VA-901    9/30 - 10/03/08   (Arlington, VA)
C_IG-PCITP 901      1/12 - 1/15/09     (Charleston, SC)
C_IG-PCITP 902      5/19 - 5/22/09     (Charleston, SC)
CHI_IG-PCITP 09    7/14 - 7/17/09     (Chicago, IL)

FY-09 IG-PCITP (VA & IL) Costs
Meals Lodging * Misc. IGA Tuition Total per student
per diem per diem $0.00 $1,182.00 $1,182.00
FY-09 IG-PCITP (SC) Costs
Meals Lodging * Misc. IGA Tuition Total per student
$73.75 $400.00 $132.10 $1,182.00 $1,787.85

* GA and SC Lodging rate are estimates. Your agency will be charged at actual cost which could vary from $11.80/night - $125/night at Glynco and $11.80 - $137/night at FLETC/SC, Charleston, per student, depending on housing availability. FLETC/SC, Charleston, depending on housing availability.

IG Advanced Interviewing for IG Investigators (IG-AIIGI)

This 3-day training program is designed specifically for the IG investigator and will provide the student with the ability to better assess truth or deception by analyzing facts, interpreting verbal and physical behavior, and evaluating the suspect's answers to non-accusatory questions. Although the Reid style of interviewing will be reviewed, this course provides the investigator with a non-confrontational approach to the interview that is especially useful in obtaining confessions, even from individuals who are well-versed in the Reid technique. The investigator will learn a softer, more conversational approach to the interrogation, resulting in fewer denials and minimizing the conflict between the suspect and interrogator.

Student Comments:

"I'll definitely use the interviewing techniques on the job along with being able to better read people who are involved in my investigations. All of the training material was useful."

"The course was enlightening and provided new perspectives on conducting interviews. Overall, FUN course!"

"The instruction received during this class was of the highest caliber and quality. The instructor clearly knew the material very well and was able to deliver the material professionally."

"This was a great program, outstanding instructor. I would recommend this course to others."

Tuition for IG-AIIGI in FY09 is $890.

Course numbers and dates offered:
IG-AIIGI VA-901      11/3 - 11/5/08   (Arlington, VA)
IG-AIIGI                    1/21- 1/23/09    (Charleston, SC)
CHI_IG-AIIGI 09      4/14 - 4/16/09   (Chicago, IL)
WV_IG-AIIGI 09      7/21 - 7/23/09   (Shepherdstown, WV)

FY-09 IG-AIIGI FLETC/Charleston Costs
Meals Lodging Misc. IGA Tuition Total per student
$59.00 $147.84 $105.68 $890.00 $1202.52
FY-09 WV_IG-AIIGI (WV) Costs
On-Site (Meals & Lodging pkg) at NCTC ** IGA Tuition Total per student
$119 $890.00 $1,366.00

* GA and SC Lodging rate are estimates. Your agency will be charged at actual cost which could vary from $11.80/night - $125/night at Glynco and $11.80 - $137/night at FLETC/SC, Charleston, per student, depending on housing availability.

** WV Training takes place at the National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV. Students lodging on site must participate in the NCTC Meal plan, which begins with dinner on the day of check-in and ends with lunch on the day of check-out. Room blocks are reserved at local hotels at the govt rate. Off-site lodging is available at the govt rate.

Law Enforcement Ethics Instructor Certification Seminar (IG-EICS)

Ethics training for law enforcement officers/agents cannot be underemphasized. Consider some recent research findings: In 2007, 6 in 10 government employees saw ethical misconduct at work. 25% of government employees said their culture at work results in unethical behavior. 75% of undergraduate college students (2005-2007) reported they had cheated in college, and 50% reported cheating in grad school (2006). In another study, 50% of resumes were found to contain false information that was material (i.e. degree, job title, previous employment). The Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation Board recently added a standard that requires all basic or entry-level law enforcement training programs to include ethics training.

Participants completing this seminar become certified as Ethics Instructors by the National Institute of Ethics (, a Congressional award winning, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to furthering ethics and integrity throughout America. The mission of the National Institute of Ethics is to enhance professionalism through ethical standards and integrity assurance training.

Students will learn the most effective teaching techniques, as well as ways to make critical internal improvements in the ethical culture of your organization. Instruction in this program is based on extensive research. Ethics and integrity should be stressed by the leadership of law enforcement organizations on an ongoing basis, so consider sending individuals in the supervisory ranks of your agency. This program is not restricted to instructional staff.

Topics include:

  • Employee Intervention Programs
  • State-of-the art ethics leadership techniques
  • The Process That Prevents Corruption
  • The Ethical Decision Making Process
  • Practical Training Problems and Solutions
  • Attaining Leadership Commitment for Change
  • Participant Video-Taped Teaching Exercises
  • Implementing It Back Home
  • Solutions to the major causes of corruption
  • Overcoming cynical students.

Participants receive a comprehensive 370-page participant manual, including Copyright permission for use within your own agency, as well as lesson plan, written pre-test and post-test, PowerPoint presentations, and research findings on CD.

Student Comments:

"This class was one of the best I have had in 22 years of law enforcement."

Tuition for IG-EICS in FY09 is $620.

Course numbers and dates offered:
IG-EICS-901      2/2 - 2/6/09          (FLETC)

FY-09 IG-EICS Costs
Meals Lodging Misc. IGA Tuition Total per student
$88.50 $221.76 $158.52 $620.00 $1088.20

Auditor Training
Program Descriptions
Schedule & Cost

IG Interviewing for Fraud Auditors (IG-IFA)

This 3-day training program will provide the auditor, analyst, evaluator, fraud examiner or inspector with tools to conduct more effective interviews, in order to better prevent and detect fraud. This training is recommended for senior or experienced auditors engaged in fraud-related audits. In this class, students will learn to assess verbal and non-verbal behavior and become more effective at obtaining information in person, as well as via telephonic interviews. Instruction will consist of non-confrontational interview techniques, fraud indicators, methods to assess fraud vulnerability, common fraud schemes, and how to elicit potential fraud leads. Students will be taught Fraud Vulnerability Assessment Questions that can and should be used in every audit. These questions are uniquely structured, non-accusatory, non-threatening, information gathering, and designed to identify indicators of fraud. Instruction will show how these questions can flow naturally in the audit, without undermining the overall objective of the audit.

Student comments: "This course is perfectly suited to apply to our current work in deterring and detecting fraud with grant recipients. I am recommending it to our grant fraud teams."

“Great speakers! I was fully engaged in the material and learned skills that I can/will apply throughout my future.”

IG-IFA tuition for FY09 is $890.

Course numbers and dates offered:
IG-IFA 901-VA    10/15 - 10/17/08   (Arlington, VA)
IG-IFA                  3/17 - 3/19/09       (Charleston, SC)
WV_IG-IFA         6/23 - 6/25/09       (Shepherdstown, WV)
CHI_IG-IFA 09    9/1 - 9/3/09           (Chicago, IL)

FY-09 IG-IFA FLETC/Charleston Costs
Food Lodging Misc. IGA Tuition Total per student
$59.00 $147.84 $105.88 $890.00 $1202.72
FY-09 WV_IG-IFA (WV) Costs
On-Site (Meals & Lodging pkg) at NCTC ** IGA Tuition Total per student
$119 $890.00 $1,366.00

* GA and SC Lodging rate are estimates. Your agency will be charged at actual cost which could vary from $11.80/night - $125/night at Glynco and $11.80 - $137/night at FLETC/SC, Charleston, per student, depending on housing availability.

** WV Training takes place at the National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV. Students lodging on site must participate in the NCTC Meal plan, which begins with dinner on the day of check-in and ends with lunch on the day of check-out. Room blocks are reserved at local hotels at the govt rate. Off-site lodging is available at the govt rate.