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A New Office of Science
Laboratory Preformance Appraisal Process

Report Cards for FY 2006
(October 1, 2005 – September 30, 2006)

In the latest of a series of steps to improve its management of key U.S. scientific assets, the Department of Energy’s Office of Science has revamped the appraisal process it uses each year to evaluate the scientific, technological, management, and operational performance of the contractors who manage and operate each of its 10 national laboratories.  This new appraisal process went into effect for the fiscal year 2006 performance evaluation period (October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006).

Many of the appraisal process changes were recommended by a committee of senior Office of Science managers after a year-long analysis.  Their report, “Revisiting the Office of Science Laboratory Appraisal Process,” was reviewed and approved by the leadership of the Office of Science and DOE, and officially released by Dr. Raymond L. Orbach on December 14, 2004. 

The new appraisal process provides a common structure and scoring system across all 10 Office of Science laboratories.  It has moved the assessment methodology to focus on the value-added provided by the contractor and the systems they put in place to manage and operate the laboratories.

The performance-based approach focuses the evaluation of the contractor’s performance against eight Performance Goals (three Science and Technology Goals and five Management and Operation Goals).  Each Goal is composed of two or more weighted Objectives.  Each of the management and operation Objectives has a set of Performance Measures, which are identified to assist the reviewer in determining the Contractor’s overall performance in meeting that Objective.  Each of the Performance Measures identifies significant activities, requirements, and/or milestones important to the success of the corresponding Objective and is utilized as the primary means of determining the Contractor’s success in meeting the Objective.  Although the Performance Measures are the primary means for determining performance, other performance information available to the evaluating office from other sources may be utilized in determining the Contractor’s overall success in meeting an Objective. 

A standard definition of the performance levels to be utilized in evaluating the Science and Technology Performance Goals and Objectives has been developed by a team of Office of Science program office representatives.  All the Performance Goals, Objectives, and Measures are documented within the Fiscal Year Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP) for each laboratory and are incorporated into the respective contract via a contract modification.  Specific information regarding an individual laboratory PEMP may be obtained by contacting the appropriate SC Site Office.

The new process has also incorporated a standardized five-point (0-4.3) scoring system, with corresponding grades for each Performance Goal, crating a “Report Card” for each laboratory.  Table A provides the scale utilized for assigning scores and letter grades.  A grade of “B+” is awarded to a Performance Objective that meets the “expected” level of performance for that Objective, much as is typical for graduate student grades at many academic institutions.  Therefore grades above a “B+” indicates a degree of performance that exceeded expectations, while correspondingly lower grades indicate degrees of  performance which has not meet overall expectations and is need of improvement.  The grade for each of the Performance Goals is determined based on the weighted sum of the scores of the individual Performance Objectives identified for each. 

Final Grade












Total Score












Table A.  Score/Letter Grade Scale

Furthermore, the new process has enhanced SC management involvement through review and approval of the annual PEMPs and incorporation of an annual meeting to ensure continuity of evaluation criteria and fairness across all laboratory evaluating offices.

The “Procedures and Guidelines for the Office of Science Laboratory Performance Appraisal Process” provides further details on the development of PEMPs and the execution of the performance assessment process. 

The FY 2006 Laboratory Performance Report Card for each Office of Science national laboratory, for the period from October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006, can be viewed by clicking on the corresponding laboratory listed below:

For information regarding the new Office of Science Laboratory Contractor Appraisal Process, please contact the Office of Science Office of Laboratory Policy. Questions regarding individual laboratory assessments and/or Report Card should be directed to the responsible Office of Science Site Office as provided at the bottom of each Report Card.



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