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EHP Science Education
The EHP Science Education Program comprises an EHP Student Edition of news articles published in EHP and environmental health science lessons based on selected articles. Lessons are aligned with National Science Education Standards in biology, chemistry, environmental science, geology, and physical science, and are targeted at students in grades 9-12. The EHP Student Edition and corresponding lessons (as well as individual news articles) can be downloaded for FREE from this website. We invite all educators to use this resource and provide us with your feedback.
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December 2005
Lesson 1: Population Growth: Get the Word Out
Students design their own health communication campaigns to fight poverty, encourage the use of health services, reduce consumption, and protect environmental resources.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Word Up: Empowering Your Vocabulary
Students read a news article about the struggle of indigenous peoples to maintain their autonomy way of life and complete a crossword with challenging words from the article.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: Small Islands--Big Problems
Students learn about small island nations and how their environmental challenges reflect global problems.
EHP News Article
November 2005
Lesson 1: The Kyoto Protocol: What Should We Do?
Students look at carbon dioxide emission data to decide if the United States should ratify the Kyoto Protocol.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Mapping Solutions for Obesity
Students brainstorm solutions to the childhood obesity problem and develop exercise routes of various distances on a local community map.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: GM Foods: Are the Risks Real?
Students rank various health risks and look at one of these risks, genetically modified foods, in terms of health consequences and the need for consumer labeling.
EHP News Article
October 2005
Lesson 1: Protein Puzzles
Students build a 3-D model of an insulin protein and investigate how protein structure relates to allergens, insulin resistance, and mad cow disease.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Consider the Source
Students learn how to critically analyze information sources to make educated decisions about an environmental health issue.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: Rescuing Water from the Roof
Students calculate the volume of water that could be collected from the school roof.
EHP News Article
September 2005
Lesson 1: Arsenic: An Element of Suffering
Students write fictional case studies illustrating the effects of arsenic on individuals around the globe.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: On Hens and Needles
Construct a PMI (Plus/Minus/Implications) table to help guide the decisions health officials must make as they combat the spread of the H5N1 Avian Flu virus.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: Three is a Toxic Number
Research three environmental contaminants that may combine to alter neurological development.
EHP News Article
August 2005
Lesson 1: Unequal Housing, Unequal Health
Students identify environmental health/built environment issues within their own community and generate real solutions that could be implemented individually or as a class.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Following the Sun to Greener Buildings
Students explore green building techniques that have environmental and health benefits.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: Mapping the Air in Your School
Students investigate indoor air quality in their school by measuring temperature and relative humidity.
EHP News Article
Lesson 4: Using Chemistry to Treat Lead Poisoning
Students conduct a chelation experiment to learn how lead can be removed from the body.
EHP News Article
July 2005
Lesson 1: Mobility 2030: Can We Meet the Goals?
Students identify countries, communities, or organizations that are meeting or attempting to meet the seven Mobility 2030 sustainability goals.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Investigating PAHs: Your Own Mini-Epi Study
Students conduct a mini-epidemiological study to determine the relative risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposure in their community.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: Lettuce Explorer Perchlorate in Food
Students explore issues related to the chemical perchlorate and how to critically analyze information sources.
EHP News Article
June 2005
Lesson 1: Great Lakes—Make the Human Health Connection
Connect environmental problems of the Great Lakes to our health.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Risk Factor Roulette
Identify risk factors which impact whether or not we get sick from our environment--our genes are just part of the picture.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: Streamside Schematic
Students complete a diagram illustrating the elements of streamside ecology that help protect water quality.
EHP News Article
May 2005
Lesson 1: What's Your Hypothesis?
Students develop a hypothesis about the connection between air pollution and cardiovascular disease and then test this hypothesis using statistical analysis (Pearson's r).
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Water Alchemy
Students conduct an experiment to simulate how alum and hydrated lime remove suspended particles to help to purify drinking water.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: Tsunami Simulation Experiment
Students conduct an experiment to simulate what happens when a tsunami strikes the shoreline.
EHP News Article
April 2005
Lesson 1: Coco Locomotion
Students practice computation and unit conversions using fuel efficiency and type as topics of interest.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Decibel Dilemma
Students collect personal noise exposure data and then use their data and information from the article to determine their risk for hearing loss.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: A Whiff of Danger
Common chemistry and biochemistry concepts are explored through research published on the potential cellular effects of synthetic musks.
EHP News Article
March 2005
Lesson 1: Debating the Control of Scarce Resources
Students stage an informal debate on government versus private sector management of scarce resources.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Is Environmental Health a Basic Human Right?
Through reading and discussion, students decide whether environmental health is a basic human right.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: Mapping the Effects of War
Students use images, timelines, and maps to illustrate the environmental effects of war in a specific region of the world.
EHP News Article
Lesson 4: Depleted Uranium and the Brain
Students analyze data from real-life current research on the effects of depleted uranium on the brain.
EHP News Article
Lesson 5: Wildlife Study Comparison
Students compare two studies that examine the effects of environmental contaminants on animals.
EHP News Article
February 2005
Lesson 1: A Table or Figure Is Worth a Thousand Words
Students evaluate how the article uses tables and figures to communicate scientific information.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Design and Evaluate an Underwater Logger
Students identify and address problems with underwater logging through creative technologic design.
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: Using a Spoon to Clean the Air
Students learn how static electricity and Coulomb's law are used to clean dirty air.
EHP News Article
January 2005
Lesson 1: Coral Reef Web
Students design a “web” or visual diagram to show the interdependence of plants, animals, and microorganisms in the coral reefs of the world.
EHP News Article

Lesson 2: Echinachea No Cure-all for Kids
In this warm-up exercise, students look at real data presented in a table and answer the question “If you were a doctor would you recommend taking Echinacea to cure a cold?”
EHP News Article
Lesson 3: RoboLobsters
Students read the article and create an advertisement for the completed RoboLobster.
EHP News Article
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