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Safeguards and Security Division (SC-31.3)
Security Management

Safeguards and Security Program: The purpose of the Office of Science (SC) Safeguards and Security, is to assure that effective programs are in place for the protection of SC interests from loss, damage, or other harm, whether intentional or unintentional. This includes assets in the possession or control of SC Headquarters, the Site Offices, SC Chicago Office (SC-CH), and SC Oak Ridge Office (SC-OR), as well as third parties under various types of agreements with the Office of Science: management and operating (M&O) and non-M&O contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, Interagency Agreements, etc.

Office of Science Cyber Security Program: The primary goal of the Office of Science’s Cyber Security Program is to protect the Department of Energy’s (DOE) science mission by the application of appropriate security controls to information and information systems. The security controls ensure that the information systems, including the information contained within the systems, maintain confidentiality integrity, and availability protection commensurate with the Department’s mission needs, information value, and associated threats. The structure of the SC Cyber Security Program focuses on risk management and reduction to minimize the likelihood of successful cyber attacks by identifying, reporting, and responding to anomalous cyber activity that may serve as a potential threat to the security of the network and our national security. Therefore, the SC’s Cyber Security Program supports the DOE’s science mission while strengthening the protection of systems and information.

To contact staff expertise by functional areas, select the link to the Functional Organization Chart for the S&S Division.

Focus Areas

SC Security Brief

Foreign Visits

J-1 Visa Waiver

Personnel Security


Appointment Memo


Program Cyber Security Plan