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Environment, Safety and Health Division

The Environment, Safety and Health Division:

The Office of Science (SC) has an uncompromising commitment to Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H). To be world class in science, SC must be best in class in safety performance.

The ES&H Division serves as the SC focal point for non-nuclear safety and other ES&H issues, including integrated safety management, fire protection, chemical safety and industrial hygiene, environmental protection, accelerator safety, and quality assurance. The Division provides SC senior managers with centralized ES&H program management and technical expertise, with an SC corporate ES&H oversight and coordination capability. The Division also serves as the focal point for interactions with SC field organizations, the SC laoratories, and external organizations on matters of ES&H policy development and implementation.

The Office of Science integrates ES&H requirements and practices into all aspects of work activities to achieve the SC mission. SC plans, executes, and evaluates its activities such that the job is done safely.

To contact staff expertise by functional areas, select the link to the functional organization chart for the ES&H Division.

Focus Areas

Worker Safety and Health

Environmental Stewardship

Accelerator Safety

Radiation Safety

SC Safety Program

Quarterly Reports

SC Laboratories