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President Obama Releases Proposed Budget

The White House

On May 7, President Obama released his proposed budget for FY 2010 and included level-funding for the Title V MCH Block Grant. Click here for AMCHP's summary of key MCH-related funding in the President's proposed 2010 budget.

Influenza Resources for Maternal & Child Health Professionals

AMCHP continues to work with the Centers for Disease Control and state health agencies to monitor the emerging swine flu situation.  Click here for resources and current updates from the CDC and other partners.

AMCHP Family Stories

AMCHP is collecting family stories that highlight the difference Title V is making in the lives of people living in your state and community. If you have a story to share, please contact us.

LJ's Story

It has been 15 and a half years since my son LJ was diagnosed with Language Disorder, then Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD NOS), then Autism, and now Asperger's Syndrome. Early intervention was key to LJ's chances of living a regular life... Click here to read "A Mother’s Gift that Keeps on Giving: A Son Living With Autism."

MCH Success Story Spotlight

One of Missouri's key family involvement activities is an Annual Retreat for Families. This retreat supports approximately 60 families, and over 100 participants gather on a weekend to network with each other and discuss issues related to caring for their CSHCN....
Click here for more state successes around family involvement.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Summary of Final Health Related Provisions

Congress has reached agreement on a final $789 billion economic stimulus package. According to a First Focus analysis, the conference agreement provides approximately $142 billion for America’s children, including key funding for programs such as Medicaid, Head Start, school modernization, and improvements to the Child Tax Credit. AMCHP remains disappointed that no funds were specifically included for the Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant.  Click here for a summary of some key health-related investments.

AMCHP has collected best practices in maternal and child health from around the country. You can now access information on these programs and get the word out about your best practice.

1) Click here to download a copy of the submission form.

2) When you are ready to submit, click here to start the survey.

Best Practice Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. However, to be considered for the upcoming round of reviews, applications must be submitted by Friday, June 12th.



The Power of Prevention for Mothers and Children

Register for AMCHP 2009!

A New Report on the Cost Effectiveness of MCH Interventions

State MCH programs improve health and enhance the quality of life for our nation's women and children. Preventive interventions supported by state MCH programs lower costs and improve quality of life for America's families. Click here for this new document released by AMCHP in May 2009.

Association of Maternal
& Child Health Programs
2030 M Street, NW
Suite 350
Washington, DC 20036

Phone: (202) 775-0436 | Fax: (202) 775-0061

AMCHP supports state maternal and child health programs and provides national
leadership on issues affecting women and children... Learn More >>