Training Purpose

  • To develop the behavioral health capacity of participants through the learning and implementation of effective behavioral health models and techniques related to HIV/AIDS in American Indian and Alaska Native populations.
  • To instruct participants on effective methods of linking community members to critical HIV/AIDS-related services and resources.

Target Audience

Intermediate level training for behavioral health providers, health care providers, community health workers, and others who provide behavioral health and HIV/AIDS-related services to American Indians and Alaska Natives.

* Continuing Education Credits Available * Full Travel Scholarships Available
* Space is Limited * No Registration Fee
CLOSED Registration
CLOSED Travel Scholarships
April 15-16, 2009
Billings, MT
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Registration Closed

Training Highlights
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Risk Assessment
  • Behavioral Health Issues and Pre- and Post-Counseling
  • Behavioral Health Issues and Testing
  • Traditional Service Providers and HIV/AIDS
  • Behavioral Health Issues and Adherence
  • Impact of Stigma on Behavioral Health Service Delivery and Newly Diagnosed Individuals