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The Modern Grid Strategy
Technologies of the Modern Grid

Five technology areas are driving these solutions. Many of these technologies have been developed and proven in other areas such as manufacturing and telecommunications.

  1. Integrated Communications [PDF-308KB]
    Integrated communications connect components to an open architecture for real-time information and control, to allow every part of the grid to both “talk” and “listen.”
  2. Sensing and Measurement [PDF-683KB]
    Sensing and measurement technologies support faster and more accurate response, such as remote monitoring, time-of-use pricing and demand-side management.
  3. Advanced Components [PDF-411KB]
    Advanced components apply the latest research in superconductivity, fault tolerance, storage, power electronics and diagnostics.
  4. Advanced Control Methods [PDF-368KB]
    Advanced control methods monitor essential components, enabling rapid diagnosis and precise solutions appropriate to any event.
  5. Improved Interfaces and Decision Support [PDF-434KB]
    Improved interfaces and decision support amplify human decision-making, transforming grid operators and managers into knowledge workers.