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The Modern Grid Strategy
Characteristics of the Modern Grid

The Modern Grid will have seven key characteristics that benefit consumers, business, utilities and national security:

  1. Self-Heals [PDF-244KB]
    A self-healing modern grid detects and responds to routine problems and quickly recovers if they occur, minimizing downtime and financial loss.
  2. Motivates and Includes the Consumer [PDF-693KB]
    With a modern grid, commercial, industrial and residential energy consumers will have visibility into prices and the ability to choose a program and a price that best suits their needs.
  3. Resists Attack [PDF-264KB]
    Security is built in from the ground up in a modern grid.
  4. Provides Power Quality for 21st Century Needs [PDF-859KB]
    A modern grid provides electricity free of sags, spikes, disturbances and interruptions. It is suitable to the data centers, computers, electronics and robotic manufacturing that will power our future economy.
  5. Accomodates All Generation and Storage Options [PDF-430KB]
    A modern grid allows plug-and-play interconnection to practically any source of power, including renewable energy sources and storage.
  6. Enables Markets [PDF-204KB]
    A modern grid supports consistent operation from coast to coast while allowing innovation locally and regionally.
  7. Optimizes Assets and Operates Efficiently [PDF-422KB]
    A modern grid allows us to put more power through existing systems, build less new infrastructure and spend less to operate and maintain the grid.