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The Modern Grid Strategy
Benefits of the Modern Grid

The solutions are affordable. Although cost estimates vary, even the most expensive options put grid modernization at about one medium pizza per household per month, spread over 10 to 15 years. If done right, a transformed grid will be less expensive in the long run, while providing benefits that dwarf the costs.

The improvements will have widespread benefits:

  • Near-zero wide-area blackouts and greatly reduced local interruptions.
  • High-quality power for sensitive electronics and complex computer applications.
  • Options for consumers to manage their electricity use and costs.
  • The plug-and-play integration of renewables, distributed resources and control systems.
  • Improved resilience to attack, natural disasters and operator errors.
  • Annual savings of tens of billions of dollars from reduced interruptions, reduced congestion and reduced need to build expensive plants and lines.

Avoided cost savings are substantial. Grid upgrades will ease congestion and increase capacity, sending 50 to 300 percent more electricity through existing corridors.