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The Modern Grid Strategy
The Modern Grid Stakeholder Community

Modernizing the grid requires the teamwork and collaboration of many different individuals and organizations. We all depend on the electric grid, so we are all stakeholders in the effort to modernize it.

Government Leadership
Through the Department of Energy, the federal government is providing leadership because of the public interest in economic growth, consumer and environmental protection, public health and safety, and energy security and reliability. The need for continued research and development in transmission and distribution is also a driver for this leadership.

The Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability sponsors the Modern Grid Strategy, aligning its efforts with existing programs such as Transmission Reliability, Electricity Distribution, GridWise Distributed Generation, GridWorks, and others. It builds on a national technology strategy that includes Grid 2030 [PDF-1.15MB] and the National Electric Delivery Technologies Roadmap [PDF-580KB].

Industry and Other Partners
Energy companies and associations, along with other public and private-sector organizations, are working diligently to modernize the grid, with leadership coming from utilities, technology providers, researchers, policymakers, and consumers. These groups include the following organizations: