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Breezing Along with the RML: RML Updates

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Introduction and Instructions

What: 2008/2009 Breezing Along with the RML Sessions

When: Third Wednesday of every month at 10 am MT and 11am CT

What: Two staff members from the RML or guests will present information on goals, activities, accomplishments, or resources. We may ask about your experiences or your opinions. We may encourage you to take action, offer a new service, or try a new technology. Every month will be different.

How: The updates are conducted using Adobe Acrobat Connect (formerly Macromedia Breeze). To test whether you can view the session try playing back one of our archived versions. If you have problems contact Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator, to help trouble shoot your system.

Logging In: Go to Enter as a guest. Sign in with your first and last names. Follow the instructions in the meeting room to have the Adobe Acrobat Connect system call you on your telephone.

Upcoming Sessions

Upcoming Breezing Along with the RML sessions are listed below

  • May: No presentation. Join us next month!
  • June 17: Siobhan Champ Blackwell, Community Outreach Liaison and Betsy Kelly, Assessment and Evaluation Liaison
  • July 15: Jim Honour, Wyoming Liaison and Dana Abbey, Colorado/Consumer Health Liaison
  • August 19: Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator and Rebecca Brown, Kansas/Technology Liaison
  • September 16: Marty Magee, Nebraska/Education Liaison and Barb Jones, Missouri/Library Advocacy Liaison
  • October 21: Dana Abbey, Colorado/Consumer Health Liaison and Siobhan Champ Blackwell, Community Outreach Liaison
  • November 18: Jim Honour, Wyoming Liaison and John Bramble, Utah/Network Membership Liaison
  • December: No presentation. Join us next year!

Previous Sessions: 2008-2009 Contract

April 15: The April presentation focused on technology for libraries and librarians.

Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator, gave a presentation entitled - Surprised by Twitter: Using Twitter for Information Discovery. She gave a brief introduction to Twitter, talk about Twitter as a means for libraries and librarians to share information with patrons and colleagues, and then discuss how Twitter can be used to find information through a series of new Twitter search tools. The search tools can be used without signing up for Twitter itself. She provided examples of how Twitter helped her with a recent project.

Rebecca Brown, Kansas and Technology Liaison, presented Screencasting: the what, why and how. Several freely available tools were discussed as well.

March 18: Marty Magee, Nebraska/Education Liaison, and Barb Jones, Missouri/Library Advocacy Liaison Two great topics are featured in this session: "Highlighting Library and Archival information in the NLM MidContinental Region", features a panel of four people representing different library/archival collections in the region: Dawn McInnis - University of Kansas, Clendening History of Medicine Library; Marysue Schaffer, Becker Library at Washington University; Emily Epstein, University of Colorado; and John Schleicher, University of Nebraska - McGoogan Library of Medicine - Special Collections. Barb Jones follows with an update on the major library advocacy programs going on in the region.

February 18: Presentation by all staff reprising the presentation they did for the NN/LM Site Visit Team in November 2008. The RML will review what its been doing through the first half of the five year contract -- the successes and challenges.

January 21: Jean Shipman, Director and Claire Hamasu, Associate Director. Jean Shipman reviewed the Medical Library Association/NLM Health Information Literacy Research Project results. She shared how this project has helped educate health care providers about the key role medical librarians can play with improving their institution’s health literacy efforts. Claire Hamasu recounted what happened during the NN/LM site visit including the report from the site visit team that summarized strengths and recommendations for the RML. The team’s report is available at

October 15: Dana Abbey, Colorado/Consumer Health Liaison and John Bramble, Utah/Network Membership Liaison rounded out the year. Dana presented on the changes and enhancements to PubMed, including My NCBI, advanced searching, and automatic term mapping. John held a lively discussion with Members on effective strategies for negotiating electronic resources. This discussion will lead to four online synchronous and asynchronous classes on effective strategies and the fundamentals of licensing electronic resources.

September 17: Betsy Kelly, Assessment and Evaluation Liaison, John Bramble, Utah/Network Membership Liaison, and Marty Magee, Nebraska and Education Liaison. Betsy and John continued last month's library valuation presentation. They discussed the economics of library services and resources and how you can communicate them to your stakeholders. Using EFTS as an example, they demonstrated how you can show the value of adopting sound business practices. There will also be an opportunity for you to share your experiences, practices and/or successes with the other attendees. Marty showed an example of what can be learned and a product produced as a result of the Web 2.0 101 online class that MLA offered earlier this year. She presented the background and experience in creating the "Nebraska Notebook", a collaborative project focused on MedlinePlus, GoLocal Nebraska and CHIRS (Consumer Health Information Resource Service) completed with an MLS practicum student, and the McGoogan Library of Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

August 20: Barb Jones, Missouri/Library Advocacy Liaison, and Betsy Kelly, Advocacy Liaison reprised their MLA presentation on tools to enable health sciences librarians to determine the return on investment and cost benefit of their libraries and services. They demonstrated how to use the online calculators to show the value libraries bring to their institution.

July 16: Dana Abbey, Colorado/Consumer Health Liaison, and Jim Honour, Wyoming Liaison. Jim discussed rural areas in the MidContinental region. Do they have unique problems with access to biomedical information? How may librarians assist? Are we on the frontier? Dana reviewed the NIH mandate for researchers to publish in PMC, and the role of the library in an open access environment.

June 18: Rebecca Brown, Technology Liaison and Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator. Watch Rebecca demonstrate how to use the online Social Bookmarking tool The demonstration shows how you can use this Web 2.0 tool and how it can benefit your library. Sharon describes how you can organize the wide variety of Web 2.0 tools available to you, including social bookmarking tools, into one convenient news feed with FriendFeed. FriendFeed can be published as an RSS feed or directly on your web page or blog. It can be used to share information with colleagues or to push the latest information out to patrons.

Previous Sessions: 2007-2008 Contract

May 16: Marty Magee, Education Liaison and Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, Community Outreach Liaison. Note: the audio recording has quite a bit of static but it is understandable. Siobhan took us on an exploration of the MCRML web site, focusing on the section dedicated to community health. Are you looking for information to hand out to patrons? How about searching for statistics to write that grant? Or are you looking for grant to write? Find all this and more! Marty introduced Moodle, one of the software applications used for MLA's new distance ed classes. If you've been considering gaining professional development this way, you'll get a feeling for what it is like to be a participant.

June 20: Wayne Peay, Director, and Joan Stoddart, Interim Director. Wayne Peay reflected on serving the region and what he foresees as the next generation of the Regional Medical Library program. Wayne cedes his responsibilities to Joan Stoddart on July 1st. Joan Stoddart will be Interim Director of the NN/LM MidContinental Region. She described the search process that will result in hiring the new Director and outline some of NN/LM initiatives of importance to Network members.

July 18: John Bramble, Utah/Network Membership Liaison and Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator. John facilitated a sharing of experiences with providing/receiving reference support from outside your institution. Sharon demonstrated iGoogle, Google's personalized web page system and the MCR Google gadget that lets you have the latest MCR information available using Google.

August 16: Rebecca Brown, Kansas/Technology Liaison and Dana Abbey, Colorado/Consumer Health Liaison. All of you who work with consumers whether as part of your job or because you assist family and friends - you'll be interested in what Dana has to present on complementary and alternative medicine resources. If you aren't using RSS feeds to help keep current, Rebecca reviewed how to use RSS (Really Simple Syndication). She showed you several different ways to access the RSS feeds to which you subscribe. Before watching the Breezing session, please watch this 3 minute and 43 second YouTube video about RSS Feeds. It is short and clever!

September 19: Guest speakers Jim Bothmer and Teri Hartman, and Claire Hamasu, Associate Director. Guests speakers Jim Bothmer and Teri Hartman, co-chairs for the 2007 Midcontinental/Midwest Chapters of the Medical Library Association's Annual Conference, spoke at this session. If you've registered they'll build your anticipation. If you haven't registered, they'll entice you attend. Claire Hamasu, Associate Director, continued the theme of the annual conference by describing what you're in for from the RMLs; hear about what happens when you put two RMLs together! She also updated us on the search for the new director.

October 17: Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator and Guest Speaker, Michael Karr. NOTE: only the Michael Karr presentation was recorded. Click here to view the slides from Sharon's presentation.. October's Breezing session was a technology one, featuring guest speaker, Michael Karr and Sharon Dennis. Michael Karr is Program Manager at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. Mike's presentation was entitled, "Is the PDA Dead?"; he discussed the latest trends related to mobile devices. Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator, told us "all about podcasting." For instance, did you know that you do NOT need an iPod to take advantage of podcasts? The presentation featured this and other interesting facts about podcasts, as well as learning about some useful health sciences podcasts. Further information about podcasts can be found on the MCR podcasting page.

November 21: Betsy Kelly, Assessment and Evaluation Liaison, and Barb Jones, Missouri/Library Advocacy Liaison. November's Breezing Along with the RML on Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at 10am MT, 11am CT was about advocacy and surveys. If you want to know what your customers think? What is important to them? How well the library is serving their needs? Whether the e-resources you are buying through the consortium are valued? You can send out a simple survey using one of the free online survey tools. Betsy Kelly will demonstrate how you can quickly create and administer an online survey, collect responses, and review the data using Survey Monkey.

January 16 : Marty Magee, Nebraska/Education Liaison and Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator and Rebecca Brown, Kansas/Technology Liaison. It is the first of the year and in keeping with that theme Marty Magee, Nebraska/Education Liaison, presented MidContinental Region University - How the National Network/Libraries of Medicine MidContinental Region can help you in 2008. Understand through each project area, the breadth of what we can do to assist you in meeting your resolutions and goals for 2008! In addition, Sharon Dennis, Technology Coordinator and Rebecca Brown, Kansas/Technology Liaison, lead a discussion on hospital library connectivity. We would like to hear from you: what are your frustrations accessing online resources and/or providing new online services? What are your success stories? How can the RML help you improve access to resources and services?

January 23 : Special Breeze Session with Erika Sevetson, Chris Hooper-Lane and Allan Barclay, three librarians from the University of Wisconsin's Ebling Health Sciences Library. For those of you who were unable to attend MCMLA 2007 or missed the session on Developing and Marketing an RSS Journal Service for Your Library, the NN/LM MidContinental Region invited the Librarians from Ebling Library for an encore presentation of their Omaha session.

Here is the original write up from the MCMLA 2007 program:

More and more journals are making their tables of contents available via RSS feed; however, barriers still exist between the user and the content. A working group at University of Wisconsin academic health sciences library set out in Fall 2006 to explore possibilities for developing an RSS current awareness service that would categorize health sciences RSS feeds and integrate them with SFX link resolver, document delivery, and RefWorks. They developed a 4-phase plan, including overhauling the existing RSS journal feeds pages, developing bundled packages for quick subscription to several journals, developing a shopping cart-like application for users to easily create customized collections, and developing instructional and promotional plans for staff and patrons.

February 8 : Pat Wagner Breeze Session. Over the past seven years, dozens of medical librarians (among others) have participated in a two-part marketing program that has helped them improve their libraries’ impact, and their personal influence, among co-workers, library users and decision-makers. Learn the basic marketing model - and why it is more than brochures and branding. Also, find out how to create effective marketing projects that can be implemented on small budgets and hear about some of the success stories from the most recent 2007 multi-state CE class. Watch Pat Wagner giving us an overview of her Marketing As If Your Library Depended On It! Pat has included several projects that came out of the NN/LM workshops from last fall. These projects came from libraries in our region, and are friends you will recognize.

February 20: Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, Community Outreach Liaison, Dana Abbey, Consumer Health Liaison, and Mary Helms, Associate Professor and Associate Director, University of Nebraska Medical Center. The two topics were "Sharing What Works" and "Academy of Health Information Professionals - Just Do It!". Learn more about ways you can share the work you are doing, and earn AHIP points while you are doing it!

March 19: Barb Jones, Advocacy/Missouri Liaison, and John Bramble, Network Membership/Utah Liaison introduced some of the highlights of the RML Library Advocacy and Network Membership programming for year 3. This was followed by a discussion with Breezing participants. Barb and John asked attendees how these programs could, can, or do support the work of health sciences librarians. This was an opportunity for Network members to have a voice in making year 3 programs more relevant to their work.

April 16: If you missed the April 16th Breezing Along with the RML or would like to review it, click here. Emergency! was the topic of the April Breezing Along with the RML on Wednesday April 16, 2008. Claire Hamasu, Associate Director provided an update on all the work that has been going on at the national and regional levels. Dean Walton was our special guest this month. Dean is an Assistant Professor and Science Librarian at the University of Oregon. One of his areas of interest is the role of libraries in natural disasters. He presented us with his views on this topic.

The 2006-07 sessions can be viewed here.