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The following represents the content we have available in this category:
External link NIAMS Introduces Easy-to-Read Health Information on Bones, Muscles, Joints, and Skin in English, Spanish, and Chinese CD-ROM
The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' National Institutes of Health (NIH), is offering Easy to Read Health Information on Bones, Muscles, Joints, and Skin in English, Spanish, and Chinese on a CD-ROM.
External link Talking with your Doctor: A Guide for Older People
This guide provides information on how to communicate effectively with your doctor and other topics including: preventing disease and disability; discussing your diagnosis; talking about treatments; making the most of medications and what to do if you are hospitalized or have to go to the emergency room. It provides a resource list for further information. Also available by calling the National Institute on Aging at (800) 222-2225.
External link Long-Tern Care Planning Kit — Own Your Future
Own Your Future is a valuable resource that will help you prepare for the long-term care needs you may have in the coming years. Planning for long-term care is smart, so START PLANNING NOW! This Web site will allow you to order or download a free planning kit.
External linkpdf file Stay Safe in Cold Weather!
This easy-to-read booklet offers older adults tips on avoiding a dangerous condition called hypothermia, which occurs when a person's body temperature drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit because of exposure to cold, either indoors or outside. This booklet is written in plain language and incorporates colorful graphic elements and other features to help readers understand the content.
External linkpdf file Understanding Alzheimer's Disease (Easy-to-Read)
This easy-to-read booklet is designed to help people with limited literacy skills learn about Alzheimer's disease (AD) and memory loss. The medical and technical language has been replaced by plain language, stories, photographs and other features to help readers understand content such as the signs of and treatment for AD.
External linkpdf file Understanding Memory Loss (Easy-to-Read)
This easy-to-read booklet is designed to help people with limited literacy skills learn about Alzheimer's disease and memory loss. The medical and technical language has been replaced by plain language, stories, photographs and other features to help readers understand content such as differences between mild forgetfulness and serious memory problems.
External linkpdf file Introducing Medicare's New Coverage for Prescription Drugs
Beginning January 1, 2006, new Medicare prescription drug plans will be available to people with Medicare. This document the new Medicare Prescription Drug Program that offers help with prescription drug costs.
External link Who is eligible for Medicare?
Who is eligible for Medicare?
External link Medicare Preventive Services to Help Keep you Healthy
The purpose of this site is to provide visitors with information about preventive services that are available to people with Medicare. Prevention is the first step in staying healthy.
External link The Pocket Guide to Staying Healthy at 50+ (English HTML version)
This guide describes ways that people aged 50 and older can stay healthy. It gives information on: living habits that have been proven to help prevent certain diseases and conditions, screening tests to catch conditions or diseases early and immunizations (shots) that have been proven to be effective in preventing diseases. To order print copies of this guide, call the Publications Clearinghouse at 1-800-358-9295.
External link Diabetes Interactive Tookit for Seniors
Diabetes is an interactive tool, including voice explanations, about all the aspects of Diabetes. It's offered by the NIH Senior Health from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
External link A Grandparents' Guide
This guide offers information and tips to help grandparents become nurturing role models. It also includes a safety checklist on child-proofing the home.
External link The Basics: What is Elder Abuse?
Elder abuse, like other types of domestic violence, is extremely complex. Generally, a combination of psychological, social, and economic factors contribute to the occurrence of elder maltreatment. This fact sheet provides information on the reasons for and types of elder abuse. It also provides State Elder Abuse Hotline numbers, where available. Also available by calling the National Center on Elder Abuse at (202) 898-2586. The Center is funded by the Administration on Aging.
External link Safety For Older Consumers: Home Safety Checklist
This booklet gives tips on home safety in a checklist format. Although geared for older consumers, it contains critical information for people of all ages. Available from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission at (800) 638-2772. Ask for Document #701.
External link Exercise: A Guide from the National Institute on Aging
You're never to old too exercise! This guide is for anyone who wants to take those first steps toward an active lifestyle. The scientists and doctors at the National Institute on Aging at the National Institutes of Health collaborated to produce this book. It contains valuable information about how exercise and proper nutrition are crucial for staying healthy as we age and provides useful tips on establishing and maintaining a regular exercise program. Also available by calling (800) 222-2225.
External link The Resource Directory for Older People
Designed to help seniors find the information they need, the directory is a comprehensive listing of federal agencies, AOA-supported resource centers, professional societies, private groups and volunteer programs. The directory is arranged alphabetically by organization name, and there is a general subject index. The Resource Directory for Older People is a cooperative effort of the NIA and the Administration on Aging (AOA), and is also available by calling (800) 222-2225.
"Staying Healthy at 50+", a Preventive Health Guide for Seniors"
Staying Healthy at 50+ is designed to encourage seniors to activelyparticipate in their preventive health care and contains easy-to-use chartsto track personal health information and sample questions to ask health careproviders, as well as other sources of health information for seniorpopulations...

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