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LinkOut is a service of Entrez that allows you to link directly from PubMed and other Entrez databases to a wide range of information and services beyond the Entrez system. LinkOut aims to facilitate access to relevant online resources in order to extend, clarify, and supplement information found in the Entrez databases. Examples of LinkOut Resources include full-text publications, biological databases, consumer health information, research tools, and more.

All links are specially assigned to specific database records. When accessing a link through LinkOut, no additional searching should be necessary to access the relevant resource that has been linked to the record. Please encourage online resources that may be valuable to Entrez users to participate in LinkOut.

Click on the applicable tab to access documentation on becoming a LinkOut provider and linking your resources from PubMed and other Entrez databases. Specific documentation is available for libraries, full-text providers and providers of other resources.

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Last updated: January 9, 2006