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The following represents the content we have available in this category:
External link Predicting Menopause Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from the University of Michigan have tracked hormonal biomarkers in women’s blood to determine when menopause will begin.
External link Therapy Restores Mice’s Vision Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have conducted a study that found some vision was restored to mice by administering gene therapy to the eye.
External link Vision Loss More Common in People with Diabetes Exit Disclaimer
In the October issue of Archives of Ophthalmology, research points to the rate of blindness in people with diabetes, noting that 11 percent of American adults with diabetes have a form of visual impairment. The rate of diabetes is expected to more than triple by 2050 and people with diabetes have a higher rate of uncorrectable visual impairment.
External link Stem Cells Renew Cornea Exit Disclaimer
A study appearing in the journal Nature has documented the work stem cells do to regenerate the cornea. These stems cells reside in the eye and travel to the cornea in order to conduct repairs. The surface of the cornea is renewed every seven to 14 days.

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