Scheduling Requests

Todd welcomes the opportunity to meet with his constituents whether it is in Kansas or in his Washington, D.C., office.

Scheduling in Wichita
Scheduling requests for an event or a meeting that takes place in the State of Kansas are handled in Rep. Tiahrt's Wichita office by Connie. Her phone number is 316-262-8992. For all Kansas events/appointments please fax the request to 316 262-5309 or e-mail it to

Scheduling in Washington, D.C.
Scheduling requests for an event outside the State of Kansas are handled in Rep. Tiahrt's Washington Office by Melissa. Her phone number is 202-225-6216. For all Washington, D.C., and non-Kansas events/appointments please fax the request to 202.226.8878 or e-mail it to

When submitting a request, please include the following information:
» Name of organization or group
» Date you would like to meet with Rep. Tiahrt or the date you would like Rep. Tiahrt to attend an event
» What issues you would like to discuss
» Your contact information, including a telephone number

Due to the uncertainty of Representative Tiahrt's Washington schedule, appointments are most often scheduled one to two weeks prior to the requested appointment date.