
As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, Todd is pleased to support the annual education appropriations bill (Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations) when it reflects Congress's commitment to supporting our nation's education needs.

It is imperative every child in America has an opportunity for a quality education, including those children with special needs and disabilities. Funding IDEA has consistently been a priority for Todd. In fact, since Republicans became the majority party in Congress, they have dramatically increased the amount of taxpayer money spent on education.

More important than simply increasing funding for education, Congress has worked hard to make sure more of that money goes directly to classrooms. In the past, too much of the money coming from Washington was getting "lost" on its way to educate students — lost in bureaucratic costs, administrative costs, research costs, etc.

Teachers and students have not seen enough of the education money coming from the federal government make it to the classroom. Todd strongly believes we should send all of the federal money back to local communities where parents can have a say over how their child's education is funded. He will continue to work hard in Congress to ensure as we support increased funding of education we send those dollars and decision making powers to local communities — where it belongs. Todd remains committed to empowering parents and promoting parental involvement.