
2008 Investment Climate Statement - Iraq

Iraq’s first post-conflict permanent government passed a National Investment Law in October 2006, which was expected to open up its economy to foreign investment. While the law is designed to give Iraq a more investor-friendly business environment, much work remains. Implementation of the law will be a challenge for Iraq in 2008. The Government of Iraq (GOI) continues to pursue some of the economic reforms necessary to lead the country in a new direction, including pension reform and reductions of the refined oil price subsidy. Iraq’s commitment to rejoin the international community can also be seen in its steady progress towards World Trade Organization (WTO) accession.

Openness To Foreign Investment

The Government of Iraq’s (GOI’s) Council of Representatives (CoR) passed a National Investment Law in October, and the law was published in the Official Gazette as Law No. 13 of 2006 on January 17, 2007. (Note: This law revokes CPA Order 39 on foreign investment; it does not cover the oil and financial services sectors.) The National Investment Commission (NIC) has not yet been formed, nor has the CoR confirmed a Chairman of the commission. Implementing regulations remain to be approved, and Provincial Investment Commissions (PICs) have yet to be established in each of the governorates. While the most recently nominated NIC Chairman is seen as having a great deal of regional experience in attracting foreign investment, he has not yet been confirmed by the appropriate Iraqi authorities as at this writing. A copy of the National Investment Law can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Commerce Iraq Task Force website – Once it is implemented, the new law's provisions would provide an open investment regime for foreign investors.

Regulation of investment is not an exclusive federal power, so the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) and the national government both have the right to regulate investment. The KRG passed a Kurdish investment law on July 3, 2006. The most significant difference between the KRG investment law and the national law is that the regional law allows foreigners to own land. Under the Iraqi Constitution, when there is a contradiction between regional and national legislation, the regional law could become the only applicable law in the Kurdish region. How this rule of federalism will work in practice is still unknown.

Currency Conversion And Transfer Policies

The currency of Iraq is the Dinar (IQD - sometimes referred to as the New Iraqi Dinar). The Iraqi authorities confirm that in practice there are no restrictions on current and capital transactions involving currency exchange as long as underlying transactions are supported by valid documentation. However, it is unclear whether currency convertibility is entirely free from exchange restrictions. The National Investment Law contains provisions that, once implemented, would allow investors to bank and transfer capital inside or outside of Iraq.

The Government of Iraq’s monetary policy since 2003 has focused on maintaining price stability and exchange rate predictability. Banks may engage in spot transactions in any currency, but are not allowed to engage in forward transactions in Iraqi Dinar for speculative purposes. The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) can intervene, when necessary, in order to maintain stability in the foreign exchange market. There are no taxes or subsidies on purchases or sales of foreign exchange. Improved security has allowed for an increased supply of goods and services, which has reduced inflationary pressures as compared to 2006. The Central Bank has implemented effective monetary and exchange rate policies that continue to help temper inflation.

Expropriation And Compensation

Iraqi law affords foreign investors some protection from expropriation. Article 23 (Second) of the Iraqi Constitution prohibits expropriation in Iraq, unless it is "for the purpose of public benefit in return for just compensation." The constitutional provision further stipulates that this standard shall be regulated by law. Although this standard may offer some protection to foreign investments, the provision is skeletal, and a law has yet to be considered. Article 12 (Third) of the National Investment Law also guarantees “non-seizure or nationalization of the investment project covered by the provisions of this law in whole or in part, except for a project on which a final judicial judgment was issued,” but the absence of implementing regulation makes the application of the law uncertain in practice. As a result, whether foreign investors will enjoy protection from expropriation that meets international standards will likely depend on domestic implementing legislation and/or future bilateral treaty obligations with the investor states in this area. The United States does not have a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) with Iraq.

Dispute Settlement

While the law of domestic arbitration is fairly well developed in Iraq, international arbitration is not sufficiently supported by Iraqi law. Iraq is a signatory to the League of Arab States Convention on Commercial Arbitration (1987) and the Riyadh Convention on Judicial Cooperation (1983), but it has not signed or adopted the two most important legal instruments for international commercial arbitration: The United Nations New York Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (1958 -- commonly called the New York Convention) and the attendant rules and procedures established by the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

Although dispute resolution is laid out in Article 27 of the National Investment Law, which details the rights of Iraqis and foreigners with respect to Iraqi law, the absence of implementing regulation makes uncertain application of the law in practice.

Domestic arbitration is provided for in Articles 251-276 of the Iraqi Civil Procedure Code, which require arbitration agreements to be in writing. Panels of arbitrators are available through the Iraqi Union of Engineers, the Iraqi Federation of Industries, and private arbitrators.

Performance Requirements And Incentives

The National Investment Law allows in theory both domestic and foreign investors to qualify for incentives equally. It also allows for investors to take out capital brought into Iraq and its proceeds in accordance with the law. Foreign investors are able to trade in shares and securities listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange. The law also allows in principle investors who have obtained an investment license to enjoy exemptions from taxes and fees for a period of ten years. Hotels, tourist institutions, hospitals, health institutions, rehabilitation centers and scientific organizations also are granted additional exemptions from duties and taxes on their imports of furniture and other furnishings. The exemption theoretically increases to fifteen years if Iraqi investors own more than fifty percent of the project; however, the absence of implementing regulation makes uncertain the application of the law in practice.

Right To Private Ownership And Establishment

The National Investment Law does not allow foreigners to own land. Foreign investors are permitted to rent or lease land for up to fifty years (renewable). Foreign investors are also able to own investment portfolios in shares and securities.

Protection Of Property Rights

The GOI is in the process of developing a new intellectual property rights (IPR) law in line with the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), but the exact structure of this and related legislation is still being determined. IPR protection functions are spread across several ministries. The patent registry and industrial design registry remain a part of the Central Organization on Standards and Quality Control (COSQC), an agency of the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation. Copyrights are under the Ministry of Culture, and trademarks under the Ministry of Industry and Minerals. The GOI’s ability to enforce intellectual property rights laws, however, is weak because of the current security environment.

Iraq is also a signatory to several international intellectual property conventions, and to regional or bilateral arrangements which include:

  • Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1967 Act) ratified by Law No. 212 of 1975.
  • World Intellectual Property Organizations (WIPO) Convention; ratified by Law No. 212 of 1975. Iraq became a member of the WIPO in January 1976.
  • Arab Agreement for the Protection of Copyrights; ratified by Law No. 41 of 1985.
  • Arab Intellectual Property Rights Treaty (Law No. 41 of 1985).

Transparency Of The Regulatory System

The absence of implementing regulation for the National Investment Law makes uncertain the application of the law in practice. Once fully implemented, the law would establish a legal framework for investment. Potential investors would nonetheless still face significant hurdles in understanding the basic steps for starting and operating a business in Iraq given the complexity of Iraq's existing laws, regulations, and administrative procedures. Iraqi government is still in the process of establishing its National and Regional Investment Commissions as required under the National Investment Law, a year after the law was officially published.

The absence of other laws in areas of interest to foreign investors also creates ambiguity. Competition and consumer protection laws that are critical for leveling the business playing field in the market are needed. A competition law could help cut down on unfair business practices such as price-fixing by competitors, bid rigging, and abuse of dominant position in the market. A consumer protection law that establishes definitions of unfair business practices would be useful. While the Iraqis do not currently have a building code, the GOI is currently evaluating this area.

Efficient Capital Markets And Portfolio Investment

The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) is responsible for conducting monetary policy in Iraq. The CBI was re-organized by CPA Order No. 56 as a legal public entity that has financial and administrative independence. The Iraqi banking system includes seven state-owned banks, the two largest being Rafidain and Rasheed, which account for about 96 percent of banking sector assets. There are also 32 private banks and six Islamic banks licensed by the CBI (see CBI’s website – Eleven foreign banks have either been licensed or have strategic investments in Iraqi banks.

However, the vast majority of banking operations are confined to basic consumer transactions leaving the provision of credit to individuals in private transactions. Channeling financial transfers from the government to provincial authorities or individuals rather than business loans is the major activity of the private banks; Iraq’s economy remains primarily cash-based. In terms of true financial intermediation, Iraq is seriously "under banked".

The Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) was established as an independent government entity under CPA Order No. 20 in 2003. The TBI's main purpose is to provide financial and related services to facilitate import trade. The payments system began limited operation in August 2006.

The letter of the National Investment Law allows for foreign investors to exchange shares and securities listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX). It also allows foreign investors to form investment portfolios. Trading transactions and buy and sell orders are presently written by hand on grease boards in trading sessions. This system does not always allow for full transparency in terms of timing of market participants or knowledge of who has placed the bid. The automation of the ISX, expected by the end of first quarter, will provide much greater transparency as well as pave the way for foreign investment on the exchange in terms of dematerialized shares, easing the logistical burden of physical certificates. In addition, a new permanent securities law is drafted as well as rules and regulations for the Iraq Securities Commission (ISC) and is expected to be introduced into Parliament in early 2008. The status of the ISC is, however, in flux until a new law is enacted.

Political Violence

Security continues to be the number one concern of the Iraqi Government and interested businesses. The security situation in Iraq remains serious. Theft and violent crime persist in Iraq. The threat of attacks against U.S. citizens and facilities remains high. In addition, roads and other public areas continue to be dangerous for Iraqi or foreign travelers. Law enforcement is limited, although new Iraqi police units continue to be trained and deployed. Attacks against military and civilian targets throughout Iraq continue, including in the International (or "Green") Zone.

Targets include trucking and military convoys, hotels, restaurants, police stations, security checkpoints, foreign diplomatic missions, international organizations and other locations with expatriate personnel. In addition, there have been planned and random killings, as well as extortions and kidnappings. U.S. citizens have been kidnapped, and several were subsequently murdered by terrorists in Iraq. U.S. citizens and other foreigners, as well as Iraqi officials and citizens continue to be targeted by insurgent groups and opportunistic criminals for kidnapping and murder. The U.S. Department of State issues up-to-date travel warnings for countries throughout the world, and U.S. companies and visitors are advised to carefully assess the situation in Iraq.

State Department's Iraq Travel Warning ( and Consular Information Sheet ( contain the essential security and safety information on travel to Iraq.


Corruption in all areas remains a significant problem. Under Saddam's regime, corruption was a fact of life for every Iraqi and touched upon every economic transaction. The former regime's control of the economy left a legacy of heavy state procurement and subsidies distorting market prices.

The Commission on Public Integrity (CPI) is an independent, autonomous Iraqi governmental agency, established by CPA Order No. 55, responsible for anti-corruption, law enforcement and crime prevention, as well as public education on these topics. CPI investigates nationwide allegations of corruption within the government and refers cases to the Iraqi judiciary. It performs its duties in conjunction with the Board of Supreme Audit (BSA) and the Inspector General (IG) from each ministry. There is a need to impose and enforce credible penalties for government corruption, specifically adherence to laws related to government contracts, procurement and allegations of bribery. The number of corruption cases brought to a successful conclusion remains quite small, and the statutory and regulatory provisions intended to control corruption will require substantial revision to be effective.

Bilateral Investment Agreements And Regional Cooperation

Iraq is a signatory to thirty-two bilateral, and nine multilateral agreements within the Arab League arrangements on Investments Promotion and Protection (IPPA). Some of the bilateral agreements with other countries include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Vietnam and Yemen. These agreements include general provisions on promoting and protecting investments, including clauses on profit repatriation, access to arbitration and dispute settlements, fair expropriation rules and compensation for losses.

In addition, Iraq has bilateral free trade area (FTA) agreements with the following eleven countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates. Iraq is also a signatory to several multilateral agreements, including the "Taysir" agreement with Arab countries dated February 27, 1982, and ratified in January 11, 1982.

On July 11, 2005, Iraq and the U.S. signed a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) as a first step toward creating liberalized trade and increasing investment flows between the U.S. and Iraq. The Iraqi Parliament has yet to ratify this agreement.

OPIC And Other Investment Insurance Programs

The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) finances a variety of investment projects with substantial U.S. participation in Iraq. Some of OPIC's basic programs include structured finance projects, political risk insurance, investment funds and financing for small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, OPIC and the Government of Iraq have executed an Investment Incentive Agreement (IIA). The Iraqi Parliament has yet to ratify this agreement.


Iraqi labor law remains weak in promoting a flexible, business-friendly employment environment. The existing Saddam-era law includes non-supportive benefit clauses, working conditions for foreign expatriate workers, and rules governing working hours.

Iraq is a party to both International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions related to youth employment, including child labor abuse. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MOLSA) also sets a minimum monthly wage for unskilled workers. In addition, according to Iraqi law, all employers must provide some level of transport, accommodation, and food allowances for each employee. The law does not fix allowance amounts.

The National Investment Law states that priority in employment and recruitment shall be given to Iraqis. In addition, foreign investors are expected to help train Iraqi employees as well as to raise their efficiency, skill, and capabilities. There are existing labor-related requirements for foreign companies employing Iraqi or foreign workers.

Foreign Trade Zones And Ports

The Free Zone Authority Law No. 3/1998 (FZL) permitted investment in Free Zones (FZ) through industrial, commercial, and service projects. This law operates under the Instructions for Free Zone Management and the Regulation of Investors' Business No. 4/1999 and is implemented by the Free Zones Commission in the Ministry of Finance.

In theory, capital, profits, and investment income from projects in an FZ are exempt from all taxes and fees throughout the life of the project, including in the foundation and construction phases. However, according to Free Zones Commission officials, goods imported through FZs are still subject to Iraq’s 5 percent tariff when they leave the zone (expect for re-export).

Activities permitted in Free Zones include: (a) industrial activities such as, assembly, installation, sorting, and refilling processes; (b) storage, re-export and trading operations; (c) service and storage projects and transport of all kinds; (d) banking, insurance and reinsurance activities; and (e) supplementary and auxiliary professional and service activities. Prohibited activities include actions disallowed by other laws in force, such as weapons manufacture, environmentally-polluting industries and those banned because of place of origin.

There are currently four geographic areas designated as Free Zones. The Basrah/Khor al-Zubair Free Zone is and is located 40 miles southwest of Basrah on the Arab Gulf at the Khor al-Zubair seaport. This area has been operational since June 2004. The Ninewa/Falafel Free Zone is located in the north, near roads and railways that reach Turkey, Syria, Jordan and the Basrah ports. The Sulaymaniyah Free Zone is located in northern Iraq in the Kurdish area. The al-Qa'im Free Zone is on the Iraqi–Syrian border. It is close to roads and railways that reach Turkey, Basrah, and Jordan. However, none of these areas are operating as significant loci for investment or trade, and only the Ninewa/Falafel zone has businesses operating in it.

Foreign Direct Investment Statistics

Total foreign direct investment flows into Iraq were $300 million in 2006, estimated as 0.7 percent of GDP. Although data for 2007 is unavailable, final results will be strongly influenced by the GOI's awarding of three mobile telecommunications licenses in August 2007, priced at $1.25 bn each for a total of $3.75 bn.