Sample FOIA Request Letter

Although no special form is required, the following sample FOIA request provides general guidance for how to request information. This sample letter includes all the essential elements of a typical FOIA request.


[Your mailing address (required)]
[Your daytime telephone number (Optional, but highly recommended)]


[The NLRB's mailing address (see Where To File Your FOIA Request )
[Fax No. (If you are faxing your request)]


FOIA Request


Dear FOIA Officer:


Please send me copies of [describe the documents you seek in as much detail as possible. Include any file names or file numbers, if applicable. If you are seeking general information outside the context of a particular Board case, specify the time frame and geographic region you wish covered, if applicable (e.g., all unfair labor practice charges filed in California from January 1, 1997 to the present).]


I agree to pay all necessary costs associated with this request.




I agree to pay all necessary costs up to the amount of $xx.00. Please contact me if you expect that the costs will exceed that amount.




  • [Your name]