Quarterly Coal Report   October - December 2008

Report No.: DOE/EIA-0121 (2008/04Q)
Report Released: April 2009
Next Release Date: Mid-June 2009 (1st Quarter 2009)

The Quarterly Coal Report (QCR) provides detailed quarterly data on U.S. coal production, distribution, exports, imports, receipts, prices, consumption, stocks, synfuel, and quality. Data on US. coke production, distribution, exports, imports, and consumption are also provided. This edition contains revised data for the previous quarters.

Highlights for the 4th Quarter of 2008:

  • Production grew slightly to 299.4 million short tons, a new record for a single quarter.
  • Consumption decreased by 9.7 percent to 270.4 million short tons.
  • Exports increased by 9.7 percent to 22.3 million short tons and accounted for 7.5 percent of total coal production.
  • Imports rose by 7.3 percent to 9.1 million short tons, the third highest level in the U.S. history.
  • Stocks increased by 12.0 percent to 171.9 million short tons, the highest fourth quarter level since 1987.

Entire Quarterly Coal Report (pdf file) Entire Executive Summary (pdf file)
Summary   Tables | Collapse
Production   Tables | Collapse
Export and Imports  Tables | Collapse
Receipts and Prices   Tables | Collapse
Consumption   Tables | Collapse
Stocks   Tables | Collapse
Quality   Tables | Collapse


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