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Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory National Program Office

RCFL Webinar FAQ's- June 6, 2007

NOTE: The webinar event has ended, however you can still register for to view the archive by clicking here.

Q: What is a Webinar?

A: A Webinar is a live seminar that takes place in real-time on the World Wide Web. Just like a seminar, participants can hear the speakers, and in some instances, see them as well.

Q: What is a Webcast?

A: A Webcast is a recorded version of a live Webinar.

Q: Who may access the Webcast?

A: You must be a member of a law enforcement or government agency.

Q: Is there a cost for obtaining the Webcast?

A: No. The RCFL Program sponsored this event to teach the basics about managing digital evidence to first responders. The proper care and handling of digital evidence is a growing priority of law enforcement everywhere, therefore the FBI is doing their part to raise awareness by sharing their vast knowledge of digital forensics with their colleagues in law enforcement.

Q: Registration requires an email address – will this be shared with anyone outside the RCFL Program?

A: Absolutely not. Any information provided to us is private and confidential.

Q: What will people learn from the Webcast?

A: This is a basic course that teaches front line investigators how to recognize, seize, transport, and store original digital evidence in order to preserve it for forensic examination. Different types of exotic media and legal considerations were also discussed.

Q: Did participants ask questions during the live event?

A: Yes. We received over 200 questions. After completing the Webcast, send an email to events@rcfl.gov to request a link to the questions and answers. Be sure to include your agency’s name.

Q: Do participants receive a certificate after completing the Webcast?

A: Yes. Just send your request to events@rcfl.gov.

Q: Who can I talk to obtain additional information about the Webcast?

A: Contact the RCFL National Program Office on 703-985-3677 or send an email to events@rcfl.gov.

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