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Squalus acanthias (spiny dogfish) CTDThe Comparative Toxicogenomics Database

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Chemicals, genes and human diseases are associated through references. Gene-Disease Relationships Chemical-Disease Relationships Chemical-Gene Interactions Diseases Genes Chemicals The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) elucidates molecular mechanisms by which environmental chemicals affect human disease.

Chemical–gene/protein interactions and chemical– and gene–disease relationships are curated from the published literature, and integrated with diverse data (chemicals, genes/proteins, human diseases, references, vertebrate and invertebrate organisms, and the Gene Ontology) to facilitate environmental health research. More


  1. Which human diseases are associated with a gene/protein?
  2. Which human diseases are associated with a chemical?
  3. Which genes/proteins interact with a chemical?
  4. Which chemicals interact with a gene/protein?
  5. Which references report a chemical–gene/protein interaction?
  6. Which cellular functions (GO terms) are affected by a chemical?