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U.S.-Israel Free Trade Agreement

Documenting Origin

Obtaining the U.S.-Israel FTA Certificate of Origin

All U.S. goods exported to Israel must be accompanied by a U.S.-Israel Certificate of Origin signed by the exporter. In order to benefit from the provisions of the U.S.-Israel FTA, a special "US Certificate of Origin for Exporting to Israel" must be presented to Israel Customs. This Certificate must be official i.e. green in color and purchased from one of the US-Israel Chambers or a printing house. Photocopies will not be accepted.

The certificate will need to be notarized and stamped by a local American-Israel Chamber of Commerce in the event that the exporter is not the manufacturer.

The certificate does not need to be notarized or stamped by an American-Israel Chamber of Commerce if the exporter is also the manufacturer.

When the exporter is also the manufacturer, the Certification (box 11) and the Notarization (box 12) sections of the Certificate may be eliminated if the exporter/manufacturer signs this declaration (box 12). If the exporter is not the producer, but the goods qualify under the rules of the FTA, Notarization and Certification may also be avoided by attaching to the certificate the following declarations, prepared on the letterhead of the producing company, signed by an authorized employee of the same, and referring specifically to the shipment described: “The undersigned hereby declares that the goods in the invoice were produced in the United States of America and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for those goods in the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area Agreement for Goods Exported to Israel.”

American-Israel Chambers of Commerce

In order to qualify for US-Israel FTA preferences, it is necessary to fill out a U.S.-Israel FTA Certificate of Origin and have it certified. That certification can be done at any of the following local America-Israel Chambers of Commerce:

America-Israel Chamber of Commerce, S.E. Region
1150 Lake Hearn Drive, Suite 130
Atlanta, GA 30342
Tel: (404) 843-9426
Fax: (404) 843-1416

America-Israel Chamber of Commerce-Chicago.
247 S. State Street, Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60604
Tel: (312) 235-0586
Fax: (312) 235-0724

Maryland/Israel Development Center
217 E. Redwood Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
tel.: (410) 767-0681

New York
America-Israel Chamber of Commerce.
120 Broadway, 27th Floor
New York, NY 10271
tel: 212-232-8440
fax: 646-365-3366

Philadelphia-Israel Chamber of Commerce
200 South Broad Street, Suite 700
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Tel: (215) 790-3722
Fax: (215) 790-3600

Texas-Israel Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
1302 E. Collins Blvd.
Richardson TX 75081

Virginia Israel Advisory Board
Vienna VA 22182
Tel: (703) 288-1414
Fax: (703) 966-6178

These certificates can be also obtained from the following companies:

UNZ and Company
190 Baldwin Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Tel: 800-631-3098

Rapid Forms
301 Grove Road
Thorofare, NJ 08086
Tel: 800-257-8354

Single certificates and assistance in filling out the forms may be obtained at any of the American-Israel Chambers of Commerce. To find the office nearest you, contact one of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce offices listed above.

The certificate is not required for: 1) commercial shipments of goods valued under $50, 2) certain printed matter, 3) shipments of goods with no commercial value, and 4) gifts from individuals valued under $100.

Blanket certificate of Origin

Exporters may apply for a blanket certificate, or "Approved Exporter" status. An "Approved Exporter" is only required to present an invoice which substitutes for the certificate, and which contains an "approved exporter" number and a declaration that the goods comply with the origin requirements. Certification and notarization are not necessary.

Authorization Procedures for "Approved Exporter" Status

A manufacturer or exporter who wishes to become an "Approved Exporter" should complete a declaratory form and present it to the Export Department, Israel Customs Services, 32 Agron Street, P.O. Box 320, Jerusalem. Potential candidates are US firms with total annual exports to Israel of at least $20 million who have a clean record with the Israel Customs Services.

Israel Customs will examine whether the manufacturer or exporter complies with the criteria and grant approval for "Approved Exporter" status. The approved exporter will be given an identity number to be stamped on all invoices. The approval is valid for six months, after which the exporter should receive an automatic extension from Israel Customs. If the exporter does not receive an extension notice he/she must terminate use of the approval.

Compliance Procedures for Approved Exporters

a) The "Approved Exporter" should stamp the invoice with his/her identity number and add the following declaration:

"The undersigned hereby declares that the goods listed in this invoice were prepared in the US and they comply with the origin requirements specified for those goods in the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area Agreement for goods exported to Israel."

b) For shipments of mixed goods, separate invoices must be prepared for goods that do not comply with origin requirements and/or for which approval to operate as an "Approved Exporter" has not been granted.

Prepared by the International Trade Administration
Trade Information Center