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Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory National Program Office

Speakers Bureau

Welcome to the Digital Evidence Section’s (DES) Speakers Bureau. The FBI’s Operational Technology Division (OTD) is providing this service to the law enforcement community and the general public to increase their understanding about the technology surrounding digital evidence and the science of digital forensics.

The OTD workforce supports the FBI’s investigative and intelligence gathering mission by supplying specialized services and technical expertise. In addition, they conduct research and development projects aimed at enhancing the FBI’s forensics services pertaining to the collection, processing and exploitation of computer, audio, and visual media. The DES Speakers Bureau is composed of OTD and affiliated personnel from three of its major units, which include the—

To request a speaker, first review the DES Speakers Bureau Guidelines and then complete the request form to begin the process.

Speakers Bureau email: speakersbureau@rcfl.gov

  Introducing -

  Digital Evidence Section Speakers Bureau

Speakers Bureau

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  Contact Us:

  p: (703)985-3677
  f: (703)985-3979
  email: NPO@rcfl.gov