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Careers and Fellowships

Photo from Morgantown site of Research LabNETL offers employment opportunities to people who are eager to develop and implement advanced technologies that use resources more efficiently and provide
short- and long-term solutions to energy and environmental problems.

Work-study and intern positions are also available to students (high school to graduate) that provide work experience related to student educational program and career goals.

More information on NETL employment policies and practices is given below:

Links and Forms

Research Fellowships
NETL has many collaborations with both regional and national institutions of higher learning where research is performed at the participants' sites. In addition, NETL engages faculty, postgraduate students, and undergraduate students in research at our sites and with our facilities. Through various national programs, NETL contributes to the training of scientists and engineers, helping to build a regional and national workforce with strong, math, science, and technical skills. > More on Research Fellowships