Environmental Health Perspectives Podcasts - The Researcher's Perspectives
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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 101, Number 1, April 1993
Environmental Health Perspectives April 1993

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In This Issue 4


p. 4

Welcome to the New Environmental Health Perspectives
Gary E. R. Hook and George W. Lucier
Opportunities in Environmental Health Science Research
Kenneth Olden
Public Health Policies Regarding Hazardous Waste Sites and Cigarette Smoking: An Argument by Analogy
Marvin S. Legator and Sabrina F. Strawn
p. 8
Superfund and Public Health Policies: An ATSDR Response
Barry L. Johnson and Maureen Lichtveld
p. 12
Industrial Sources of Benzene Exposure
Donald D. Rosebrook and George H. Worm
Cigarettes: Point Source for Benzene Exposure?
Lance Wallace


Comprehensive Strategies Needed to Study Breast Cancer
New EPA Administrator Enters Debate over Pesticide Residues in Processed Foods
Congress and the Clinton Administration Move to Elevate EPA to Cabinet Status
National Academy of Sciences Enters Controversy on Relevance of Animal Toxicologic Studies
Carnegie Commission Advocates Reorganization of Federal Environmental Research Programs
Assessing the Risk Equation
Research Priorities for Mobile Air Toxics
Clinton Cuts Council on Environmental Quality
The Brain-Immune System Connection
p. 18

p. 22


Setting Environmental Agendas: The Search for Common Ground
p. 26
The Clinton-Gore Agenda: Environmental Pledges and Economic Puzzles
p. 30

Spheres of Influence

The 103rd Congress: Why This Freshman Class Is Greener Than Ever Before
Kimberly G. Thigpen
p. 32


The Use of Electronic Communications in Environmental Health Research
John S. Makulowich
p. 34
Research Advances
Receptor Mechanisms and Dose-Response Models for the Effects of Dioxins
George W. Lucier, Christopher J. Portier, and Michael A. Gallo
p. 36
Brief Reports
Determination of Total Arsenic in Environmental Samples from Kumasi and Obuasi, Ghana
Eugene H. Amonoo-Neizer and Emmanuel M.K. Amekor
p. 46
Correlations between Chemically Related Site-specific Carcinogenic Effectsin Long-Term Studies in Rats and Mice
J. K. Haseman and A.-M. Lockhart
p. 50
Epithelial-Fibroblast Interactions in Bleomycin-induced Lung Injury and Repair
L. Young and I.Y.R. Adamson
p. 56
Mechanistic Relationship among Mutagenicity, Skin Sensitization, and Skin Carcinogenicity
J. Ashby, J. Hilton, R. J. Dearman, R. D. Callander, and I. Kimber
p. 62
Characterization of in vivo Somatic Mutations at the Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase Gene of a Human Control Population
K. Burkhart-Schultz, C. B. Thomas, C. L. Thompson, C. L. Strout, E. Brinson, and I. M. Jones
p. 68
Childhood Cancer in Relation to a Modified Residential Wire Code
D. A. Savitz and W. T. Kaune
p. 76

Last Update: August 31, 1998

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