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Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory National Program Office

Source: Philly.com web site
Apr. 7, 2009

FBI’s high-tech forensics lab in Radnor is accredited

A high-tech FBI laboratory in Delaware County recently was accredited by an independent national forensic science organization, lab officials announced today.

The Philadelphia Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory in Radnor received accreditation in digital and multimedia evidence from the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors. The organization reviews procedures used in labs.

The Radnor lab, which opened in 2006, is one of 16 in the country. A partnership with the FBI and state and local law enforcement agencies, the lab handles and processes evidence from digital devices such as computers, cell phones and video cameras for criminal investigations and court cases.

Evidence in two recent cases - the trial of former state Sen. Vincent J. Fumo and the young Philadelphia couple, Jocelyn S. Kirsch and Edward Anderton, dubbed "Bonnie and Clyde" - was analyzed at the Radnor Financial Center facility. - Mari A. Schaefer


[Philadelphia RCFL web site ]

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