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Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory National Program Office

Continuing Education Series

The Continuing Education Series (Series) is an ongoing, virtual training initiative that gives law enforcement personnel and first responders the latest information they must know about digital evidence. The Series offers both training and actual products that you can use everyday.

New! Webcast – "What Every Law Enforcement Executive Must Know"

Designed for and by law enforcement executives, this 22-minute Webcast gives practical tips and advice on how to increase your department’s digital forensics preparedness. View now


Watched the Webcast? - Share your thoughts


The toolkit complements the Webcast and outlines four steps that Executives can use to build their digital forensics capacity—

Step #1: Create a Baseline
Step #2: Get Smart
Step #3: Obtain Resources
Step #4: Build Capacity.

Click here to download the toolkit.

"5 Key Facts" bookmark - Law enforcement and first responder personnel can request copies of the bookmark by sending their mailing information and number of bookmarks needed to npo@rcfl.gov.
Field Guide - This pocket-sized Guide provides Peace Officers critical information they must know about identifying, handling, transporting, and storing digital evidence during a criminal investigation. Click here to download a PDF version of the field guide.
Please check this page often to preview new Series products and updates.

Continuing Education Series

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  p: (703)985-3677
  f: (703)985-3979
  email: NPO@rcfl.gov