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Alcohol Permits

Permission to Operate

TTB grants authorization to operate alcohol and tobacco-related businesses under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and the Federal Alcohol Administration Act (FAA Act) guidelines.  Beverage alcohol businesses, above the retail level, are authorized under the FAA Act.  Some also acquire authority under the IRC.  All other alcohol and tobacco businesses above the retail level are authorized under the IRC.

Everyone wanting to operate a business governed by the FAA Act or IRC must file with TTB an application for a permit along with all necessary documents.  The Government does not impose a fee or charge for permits.  The applicant must obtain written approval from TTB BEFORE engaging in business.

For specific information and copies of forms see:

bullet TTB Application and Informational Packets

bullet Who To Contact and Where to File

bullet International import requirements for various countries for beer, wine and distilled spirits

bullet What you must do to import alcohol beverage products into the United States

bullet Exporting alcohol beverages

bullet Direct Shipping Compliance Reminder (10/05/06)