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Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory National Program Office


Please review the following speeches and statements pertaining to the RCFL program:

  • 12/05/06 Speech Remarks by Robert S. Mueller, III Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation at the Project Safe Childhood Conference... (CreationDate: 12/05/06)

  • 04/14/06 Statement Joint statement from the FBI and the Independence Police Department regarding the Kelsey Stelting abduction hoax... (CreationDate: 04/14/06

  • 01/18/06 Statement Congratulations to the Rocky Mountain Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory (RMRCFL) staff and Director Christopher L. Buechner for raising the total number of operational RCFLs to ten ... (CreationDate: 01/18/06)

  • 09/26/05 Speech  Remarks by Robert S. Mueller, III Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation at the 112th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police ... (CreationDate: 09/26/05)

  • 09/09/05 Statement  Best regards to the Northwest Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory (NWRCFL) staff and Director R. Douglas Fabel, for successfully opening the ninth laboratory on September 9, 2005, in the RCFL network of digital evidence facilities... (CreationDate: 09/09/05)

  • 08/09/05 Statement  The Operational Technology Division, Digital Evidence Section, Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory National Program Office would like to take this opportunity to recognize the members of the Heart of America Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory (HARCFL) in Kansas City, Missouri, for their support to the investigation of self-described serial killer "Bind, Torture, Kill" (BTK)... (CreationDate: 08/09/05)

  • 07/07/05 Statement  Best wishes to the Intermountain West Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory (IWRCFL) staff and Director Roger Call, for successfully opening the eighth laboratory in the RCFL network of digital evidence facilities... (CreationDate: 07/07/05)

  • 03/07/05 statement  In his remarks to the National Association of Counties, Attorney General Gonzales cites the work performed by the Heart of America RCFL during the Bobbi Jo Stinnett murder investigation... (CreationDate: 03/07/05)

  • 03/04/05 statement  The RCFL Program congratulates Greater Houston (GH) RCFL Director Dennis Williams, along with the participating agencies of the Houston Police Department; the Harris County Sheriff‘s Office; Pasadena Police Department; Tomball Police Department; Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s Office, and; the Harris County Precinct 5 Constable’s Office for announcing that they are accepting requests for assistance from any law enforcement agency in their service area ... (CreationDate: 03/04/05)

  • 02/18/05 statement  On behalf of the RCFL National Program Office, I want to congratulate the North Texas RCFL for becoming the first federally affiliated digital evidence laboratory in the country to receive accreditation by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB) ... (CreationDate: 02/18/05)

  • 01/06/05 statement  With the opening of the Silicon Valley Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory (SVRCFL), the program welcomed the sixth laboratory into our growing, national network of FBI sponsored digital forensics laboratories. Congratulations to SVRCFL Director Chris Beeson ... (CreationDate: 01/06/05)

  • 10/28/02 statement  The RCFL National Program Office applauds the officers assigned to the North Texas Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory (NTRCFL) who were presented with an FBI Certificate of Commendation signed by FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III ... (CreationDate: 10/28/02)

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