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Sample Chapters

Here are some sample chapters that you can download from the new, 10th edition of A Basic Guide to Exporting,” the official government resource for small and medium-sized businesses.”

(These chapters are provided as Adobe Acrobat files. You will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software to open them.)

Introduction, Acknowledgments and Table of Contents: a look at the contents of the book’s 17 chapters. Read now.

Chapter 1, “The World Is Open for Business”: This overview notes that “Today, it’s easier than ever for a company like yours, regardless of size, to sell goods and services across the globe.” Included is the first of 17 “Case Studies,” two-page profiles of companies that successfully took up the exporting challenge. Read now.

Chapter 11, “Going Online: E-Exporting Tools for Small Business”: This entirely new chapter provides a primer on how the Internet has extended the reach of business. Read now.