Executive Profiles

Officers of the Corporation

Listed by seniority, then alphabetically by last name.

Name Title
Rodney Bent Acting Chief Executive Officer
John Hewko Vice President, Department of Compact Development
Darius Mans Vice President, Department of Compact Implementation
Michael Casella Acting Vice President, Department of Administration and Finance
Sherri Kraham
Acting Vice President, Department of Policy and International Relations
Henry C. Pitney Acting General Counsel
Matthew L. Bohn Chief of Staff


Senior Staff

Listed by seniority, then alphabetically by last name.

Name Title
Jonathan Bloom Deputy Vice President, Department of Compact Implementation
Dennis Nolan Acting Deputy Vice President, Department of Administration and Finance
Frances Reid Deputy Vice President, Department of Compact Implementation
Darius Teter
Deputy Vice President, Department of Compact Development
Dick Day Managing Director, Technical Assessment
Carol Hessler
Managing Director, Infrastructure, Environment and Social Assessment
Jeri Jensen Managing Director, Private Sector Initiatives
Tom Kelly
Acting Managing Director, Threshold Programs
James Mazzarella Managing Director, Congressional Affairs
Richard Morford
Managing Director, Donor & Multilateral Relations
Gina Porto Senior Advisor to the CEO
W. Stacy Rhodes Managing Director
Jolyne Sanjak Managing Director, Implementation Support
Aaron H. Sherinian Managing Director, Public Affairs
Franck Wiebe Chief Economist
Greg Williams
Managing Director, Contracts and Grants Management



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