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Imagine touring the red sands of Utah's Arches National Park on your mountain bike. Or how about riding though the Black Hills of South Dakota on your road bike - Then there are the beautiful carriage trails of Acadia National Park that you can explore on your hybrid. America's public lands offer a multitude of different types of cycling.

Contact your destination to find out whether bicycles are allowed and what kinds of trails are available. Licensing, fees and seasonal restrictions may vary from site to site. For detailed information on a particular site, please contact that site directly.

Find Recreation Areas with Biking Activities

What do we mean by Biking?

RecML, the recreation standard that is being developed, describes bikiing as:

Road Biking, Mountain Biking, Cycling

Practice Good Stewardship of our Trails / Roadways:

You can help to take good care of our trails and roadways so that others may enjoy these areas for years to come by practicing some of the following actions:

Don't Litter... take along a trash bag or other receptacle for collecting your trash so that you can deposit it in the proper trash receptacle.

Make sure that you operate the correct type of cycle or bike permitted in that area. Check with your destination ahead of time to make ensure that the cycle you plan to use is allowed.

Don't operate a bike or cycle in areas where they are not permitted. These areas have been declared "off limits" to bikes and cycles to protect wildlife, vegetation, or for your safety.

Safety While Biking:

  • Wear your protective gear, such as: helmets, pads, gloves, and reflective clothing
  • Be courteous and remember that you are sharing the trail or roadway with other cyclists and recreationists
  • Do not operate your bike or cycle on unauthorized trails or roadways
  • Bring along extra safety items such as water, flashlights, maps, and a cellphone or radio
photo courtesy of the US Fish and Wildlife Service biking at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge in Virginia
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