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Managing for Excellence

Report CoverReclamation is preparing for the challenges of the 21st century by thoroughly examining our core capabilities in a number of key areas and our ability to respond in an innovative and timely manner to future needs.  The Managing for Excellence Action Plan, published in February 2006, outlines a process and timeframe for identifying and addressing the specific 21st Century challenges to fulfill our mission to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public.

An important catalyst for this evaluation effort is the recently published National Research Council Report, “Managing Construction and Infrastructure in the 21st Century Bureau of Reclamation” (NRC Report), which examines several facets of our organization, practices, and culture. In accordance with direction from Deputy Secretary of the Interior Lynn Scarlett, each of the NRC Report’s recommendations is addressed in this Managing for Excellence Action Plan. This project will result in essential changes in a number of key areas.

The Managing for Excellence Action Plan outlines specific action items organized under eight key functional areas :

  1. relationships with customers and other stakeholders;
  2. policies and organization;
  3. engineering and design services;
  4. major repair challenges;
  5. project management;
  6. asset sustainment;
  7. research and laboratory services; and
  8. human resources/work force.

There are some key principles and measures of success that we will strive to achieve through implementation of the action items. This includes making a priority of improving our stakeholder relationships.  Reclamation is proactively seeking customer and stakeholder input through a comprehensive outreach strategy.  That process includes meetings, conference calls, and available web sites in order to continue to obtain input and explain process developments.


ETA Status

Click here to visit Reclamation's website for
ETA site

Latest Information:

The Managing for Excellence Concluding Report is now available.


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Last Updated: May 8, 2009