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Previous Events - 2001

January | February | March | April | May | June | July
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January 2001

DATE OF EVENT: Friday, January 12, 2001
EVENT NAME:International Commission on Technology and Accessibility - North America General Meeting - Preliminary Agenda
TIME: 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Industry Canada
365 Slater Street,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

DATE OF EVENT: January 18, 2000
EVENT NAME: FITAI Section 508 Procurement Forum
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: LEARN what Section 508 is and how Section 508 will affect procurement of electronic and information technology (E&IT). DISCOVER what to consider when developing, procuring, maintaining or using electronic and information technology covered under Section 508. ENGAGE the officials who are implementing 508 and find out how your agency can be instrumental in assuring that electronic and information technology is accessible to individuals with disabilities and how you can keep abreast of all the events and news regarding Section 508. UNDERSTAND how your involvement in the procurement/development of accessible electronic and information technology will be beneficial to all.
LOCATION: Regal Knickerbocker Hotel, 163 E. Walton Place, Chicago, IL
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Section 508 Procurement Forum

DATE OF EVENT: January 24-27, 2001

February 2001

DATE OF EVENT: February 1, 2001
EVENT NAME: FITAI Section 508 Procurement Forum
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: LEARN what Section 508 is and how Section 508 will affect procurement of electronic and information technology (E&IT). DISCOVER what to consider when developing, procuring, maintaining or using electronic and information technology covered under Section 508. ENGAGE the officials who are implementing 508 and find out how your agency can be instrumental in assuring that electronic and information technology is accessible to individuals with disabilities and how you can keep abreast of all the events and news regarding Section 508. UNDERSTAND how your involvement in the procurement/development of accessible electronic and information technology will be beneficial to all.
LOCATION: Hilton Del Mar, 15575 Jimmy Durante Blvd. (Del Mar), San Diego, CA
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Section 508 Procurement Forum

DATE OF EVENT: February 22 & 23, 2001
EVENT NAME: ADIT Accessibility Forum Kickoff
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: To build a community of E&IT user and vendor stakeholders. The ADIT project is designed to bring these two communities together to help businesses better understand current and future user accessibility requirements and to help users better understand current and potential capabilities of E&IT products.
LOCATION: National Press Club, 529 14th St, NW, Washington, D.C.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Marie Bedard (843)760-3561

DATE OF EVENT: February 23, 2001
EVENT NAME: FITAI Section 508 Procurement Forum
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: LEARN what Section 508 is and how Section 508 will affect procurement of electronic and information technology (E&IT). DISCOVER what to consider when developing, procuring, maintaining or using electronic and information technology covered under Section 508. ENGAGE the officials who are implementing 508 and find out how your agency can be instrumental in assuring that electronic and information technology is accessible to individuals with disabilities and how you can keep abreast of all the events and news regarding Section 508. UNDERSTAND how your involvement in the procurement/development of accessible electronic and information technology will be beneficial to all.
LOCATION: Holiday Inn Select, 130 Clairemont Avenue, Atlanta, GA
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Section 508 Procurement Forum

DATE OF EVENT: February 28 and March 1, 2001
NAME OF EVENT: Virtual Government 2001 - New Expectations in a .gov World
DESCRIPTION: AFCEA International and the Federal CIO Council will host the sixth annual Virtual Government Conference. Ronald Reagan International Trade Center in Washington, DC. This year's conference will address the realities of electronic government through the following questions: What does the public expect from government, what does business expect from government, and what does government expect from itself? Each session will be loaded with key speakers from government and industry: PLUS, featured speakers include: The Honorable James S. Gilmore III (invited), Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia; The Honorable Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (invited), Lt. Governor, State of Maryland; Mr. Bill Bass, Senior Vice President, E-Commerce and International, Lands' End, Inc.; Mr. Arnaud de Borchgrave, Senior Advisor, Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and former President and CEO, United Press International.; IN ADDITION, you'll get the scoop from Federal CIOs in each session! A detailed agenda is available at: Register by Friday, February 9th, and SAVE BIG! Click here for secure on-line registration:
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contact Tina Schaefer at or (703) 631-6250.

March 2001

DATE OF EVENT: March 9, 2001
EVENT NAME: FITAI Section 508 Information Forum
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: LEARN what Section 508 is and how Section 508 will affect procurement of electronic and information technology (E&IT). DISCOVER what to consider when developing, procuring, maintaining or using electronic and information technology covered under Section 508. ENGAGE the officials who are implementing 508 and find out how your agency can be instrumental in assuring that electronic and information technology is accessible to individuals with disabilities and how you can keep abreast of all the events and news regarding Section 508. UNDERSTAND how your involvement in the procurement/development of accessible electronic and information technology will be beneficial to all.
LOCATION: Radisson Hotel, 200 Stuart Street, Boston, MA
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Section 508 Information Forum

DATE OF EVENT: March 19-24
EVENT NAME: CSUN Technology and Persons with Disabilities
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The conference covers all aspects of technology and disabilities, and fetures a faculty of internationally recognized speakers. Implementation of Section 508 Revisions: Section 508 workshop is included in the PreConference. Presenters will be Doug Wakefield, Access Board, and Joe Tozzi, Deptartment of Education.
LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA
CONTACT: 818-677-4929 (V/TTY)

DATE OF EVENT: March 20-22, 2001
LOCATION: Washington, DC - Convention Center

DATE OF EVENT: Thursday, March 22, 2001
EVENT NAME: General Meeting of The North America Regional Commission on Technology and Accessibility
TIME: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
LOCATION: Executive Suite 2
18th floor
LAX Marriott Hotel
Los Angeles, California

DATE OF EVENT: March 26,2001
EVENT NAME: Section 508 Information Forum
LOCATION: Wash., DC; Ronald Reagan International Trade Center
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: LEARN what Section 508 is and how Section 508 will affect procurement of electronic and information technology (E&IT). DISCOVER what to consider when developing, procuring, maintaining or using electronic and information technology covered under Section 508. ENGAGE the officials who are implementing 508 and find out how your agency can be instrumental in assuring that electronic and information technology is accessible to individuals with disabilities and how you can keep abreast of all the events and news regarding Section 508. UNDERSTAND how your involvement in the procurement/development of accessible electronic and information technology will be beneficial to all.
CONTACT: Katherine Rhodes 202-501-0009

April 2001

DATE OF EVENT: April 26, 2001
EVENT NAME: Accessible Workplace Technologies Demonstration Day
LOCATION: CAP Technology Evaluation Center (CAPTEC), Pentagon, Room 2A259
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The focus of this demonstration day will be accessible workplace technologies that comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act accessibility standards. Continuous, ongoing demonstrations of assistive technology that works with software hardware, web-based applications and other products. Highlighted demonstrations will include software applications, web-based solutions, telecommunications products, video and multimedia, accessible copier and kiosk, desktop and portable computers. Demonstrations will be ongoing from 9:00am to 2:00pm. CAP staff members will escort visitors into the Pentagon from the Metro and South Parking entrances. Escorts will be available every 20 minutes; at the top of each hour and at 20 minutes and 40 minutes past each hour. Please contact CAPTEC at 703-693-5160 (Voice) or 703-693-6189 (TTY) for more information or to arrange an escort.
CONTACT: Dinah F.B. Cohen, Director, 703-693-5160

May 2001

DATE OF EVENT: May 10,2001
EVENT NAME: Section 508 Information Forum
LOCATION: Kansas City, MO; The Park Place Hotel
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: LEARN what Section 508 is and how Section 508 will affect procurement of electronic and information technology (E&IT). DISCOVER what to consider when developing, procuring, maintaining or using electronic and information technology covered under Section 508. ENGAGE the officials who are implementing 508 and find out how your agency can be instrumental in assuring that electronic and information technology is accessible to individuals with disabilities and how you can keep abreast of all the events and news regarding Section 508. UNDERSTAND how your involvement in the procurement/development of accessible electronic and information technology will be beneficial to all.
CONTACT: Katherine Rhodes 202-501-0009

DATE OF EVENT: May 11, 2001
EVENT NAME: ADIT Accessibility Forum
LOCATION: Gallaudet University, Kellogg Conference Center
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The U.S. General Services Agency Center for Information Technology Accommodation (CITA) is pleased to announce a meeting on May 11, 2001 to publicize the U.S. Federal government's sponsorship of the Accessibility Forum. The Accessibility Forum is an industry-led collaboration with the user community aimed at developing procedures to assess Electronics and Information Technology (E&IT) product accessibility for people with disabilities, as defined by Public Law 105-220, Section 508.The mission of the Accessibility Forum (formerly called ADIT) is to provide government agencies and Electronic and Information Technology (E&IT) and Assistive Technology (AT) vendors with effective and broadly accepted means to assess whether E&IT products comply with the accessibility standards of Public Law 105-220, Section 508. The Accessibility Forum is designed to obtain user and vendor involvement in the development of accessibility assessment methods. In addition, the Forum will provide vendors with insight into accessibility needs and goals that could be addressed in future product development.
CONTACT: Marie Bedard 843-760-3561
ALSO: View The Webcast

DATE OF EVENT: May 22-23, 2001
EVENT NAME: IT Accessibility 2001: Ensuring Information Technology Access for People With Disabilities
LOCATION: NIST - Gaithersburg, MD
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Conference focusing on industry and govt. strategies, challenges, and motivations for providing easier access to information technology by people with disabilities. Anyone interested in Info.Technology Accessibility should attend Topics: - Section 508 regulations - Fed. & State agency 508 activities - Industry motivations challenges on IT accessibility - Case studies on making Web site 508 accessible - Exhibits - IT assistive technology - see Website for Speakers and Program ** Registration fee: $255 ** ** NIST conference facilities are accessible** ** Register on-line at Website; identify accessibility needs ASAP** ** Call (301) 975-2776 if you a need registration form mailed to you **
CONTACT: Kim Snouffer (301)975-2776

DATE OF EVENT: May 22-24, 2001
EVENT NAME: GSA International Products and Services Expo
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: GSA’s International Products and Services Expo—Your free training source for best practices in procurement, innovations in technology, and many other career-building topics designed with you in mind! GSA’s annual training extravaganza will be held in Orlando, FL, May 22-24, 2001. Expo 2001 is a dual Training/Exposition designed for the Federal acquisition community to aid in everyday procurement decisions.
CONTACT: Katherine Rhodes 202-501-0009

June 2001

DATE OF EVENT: June 21, 2001 EVENT NAME: The Accessible Future LOCATION: National Press Club, First Amendment Room, 529 14th Street, NW BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The National Council on Disability will conduct a news conference to highlight the release of its report on the future of accessible technology
CONTACT: Mark S. Quigley 202-272-2008 MORE INFORMATION:

July 2001

DATE OF EVENT: July 9-12th
EVENT NAME: E-Gov 2001 Conference and Exposition
LOCATION: Washington Convention Center
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The E-Gov Conference and Exposition offers attendees a complete educational experience. Opportunities abound for intensive discussion, collaboration across organizations, and networking with those who will orchestrate the Electronic Government programs in the new Administration.
CONTACT: 1-800-746-0099, ext. 203

August 2001

DATE OF EVENT: August 6-10, 2001
EVENT NAME: Equal Access Training Program for Blind and Visually Impaired VA Employees
LOCATION: Austin, Texas (Convention Center in Downtown Austin)
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This year the Equal Access Training Program will concentrate training on MS-Office Applications. This includes the following: Exchange/Outlook, Internet Explorer, and Word. To benefit from the training program this year, participants have to be familiar with JAWS or WINDOWEYES access software. If needed, low vision participants, will be provided with large monitors and large print software. In addition, we will provide access/instruction to refreshable Braille Display’s for participants interested in using this type of device. Each day will be spent on one or more MS-Office applications. We will provide an overview of each function within the application each morning. Hands-on exercises, tips and tricks will be shared with participants throughout the day. Our goal by the end of the week is to have each participant demonstrate proficiency in Exchange/Outlook, Internet Explorer and Word. Instructors will be available for JAWS and WINDOWEYES to answer questions and troubleshoot problems.
CONTACT: or by calling (708) 202-5546.

September 2001

DATE: September 4-7, 2001
LOCATION: Hershey, Pennsylvania

DATE: September 10, 2001
EVENT: Section 508 and You: Answers to Your Questions
LOCATION: Washington, DC

DATE: September 10-11, 2001
EVENT: E-Gov: Information Assurance
LOCATION: Washington, DC

DATE OF EVENT: September 11, 2001
EVENT NAME: ITTATC Live Web Cast: Making Telecommunications Products and Services Accessible to People with Disabilities
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Obtain practical advice from the FCC, the Access Board, GSA, industry representatives, and disability community representatives on accessible telecommunications.

DATE OF EVENT: September 11, 2001
EVENT NAME: Best Practices in Implementing Section 508
LOCATION: The Tower Club, Vienna, VA
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Learn strategies for successfully implementing Section 508 from experienced professionals. Derrick Shields of Axiom will discuss how he developed a critical network for successful Section 508 implementation. James Phillips, Williams Mullen, will address the legal issues under Section 508.
CONTACT: Pat Perry 703-760-5200 x1229

DATE OF EVENT: September 13, 2001
EVENT NAME: Section 508: Impact on Telecommunications Procurements …You Make the Call!
LOCATION: 1300 N 17th Street, Ste.100, Arlington VA 22209
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Description of seminar as follows: Seminar: “Section 508: Impact on Telecommunications Procurements …You Make the Call!” There’s more to Section 508 than just revising your website to meet the new compliancy regulations that went into effect on June 21st. Another important facet of Section 508 deals with telecommunications and how Section 508 pertains to purchasing new telephone systems and their related solutions. KEI Pearson is offering a free special seminar for Federal Agency Section 508 IT Coordinators, Purchasing/Procurement Managers and invited guests entitled: “Section 508: Impact on Telecommunications Procurements …You Make the Call!”. The focus of this seminar is Section 508 Telecommunications a) awareness, b) information, c) education and d) demonstration. This is a free seminar and seating will be limited. To register for this event, please email your contact information to: or call 888-443-5795. Registration/confirmation required.
CONTACT: 888-443-5795

DATE: September 19-21, 2001
EVENT: Accessibility Forum
LOCATION: Washington, DC

DATE: September 20, 2001
LOCATION: Bethesda, MD

DATE OF EVENT: September 26, 2001
EVENT NAME: Achieving and Maintaining an Accessible Web site in Compliance with Section 508
LOCATION: Microsoft Corporation 5335 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 500
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Seminar focus: When Web developers follow standards and guidelines for accessibility, everyone—including people who use assistive technologies, can browse web-based information. There are three steps to achieve accessibility for a Web site, or group of web-based documents: Verify accessibility compliance with Section 508 standards or W3C Priority 1 guidelines Repair web content Monitor web accessibility
CONTACT: Dana Louise Simberkoff, HiSoftware 603-229-3055

October 2001

DATE OF EVENT: October 1, 2001
EVENT NAME: ITTATC Live Web Cast: Making Telecommunications Products and Services Accessible to People with Disabilities
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Obtain practical advice from the FCC, the Access Board, GSA, industry representatives, and disability community representatives on accessible telecommunications.

DATE: October 2-3, 2001
EVENT: IDEAS 2001 The Interagency Disability Education and Awareness Showcase, Accessibility for All: Empowerment through Section 508.
LOCATION: Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
DESCRIPTION: IDEAS features workshops, discussions, and exhibits highlighting methods to increase accessibility to information and technology for people with disabilities.
IF YOU MISSED the conference, you can connect to the web cast archive of the conference proceedings.

DATE: October 14-16, 2001
EVENT: IAC/ELC: Federation of Government Information Processing Council's IAC
LOCATION: Hershey, Pennsylvania

DATE: October 17, 2001
Statistics and Policy Forum
LOCATION: Washington, DC

DATE: October 18, 2001
EVENT: Section 508: Dealing with Procurement and Legal Issues
LOCATION: Washington, DC

DATE: October 18-20, 2001
EVENT: Closing the Gap
LOCATION: Bloomington, MN

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