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Elusive jaguar photographed for first time on Barro Colorado Island

Elusive jaguar photographed for first time on Barro Colorado Island

May 06, 2009

The jaguar, a solitary carnivore, is the largest cat in the Americas. Adult males can weigh more than 300 pounds...


STRI joins Earth Day and week celebrations

STRI joins Earth Day and week celebrations

April 20, 2009

STRI's Galeta Marine Laboratory will join the international Earth Day and week celebrations with a talk on climate change at 9am, Colegio Abel Bravo, Colón, on Wednesday, April 22 by Alfredo Lanuza...


No males, no sex, more crops!

No males, no sex, more crops!

April 20, 2009

"Ants inhabit 'world without sex'" reports Victoria Gill, science reporter of the BBC News on April 15. "These ants do not need males."...


"Bee cleaning"

"Bee cleaning"

April 20, 2009

Mites are normally thought of as dirty parasites, but some of them actually work as cleaners for a living...


A preference for a sexual signal keeps females safe

A preference for a sexual signal keeps females safe

April 13, 2009

"A preference for a sexual signal keeps females safe" by Tae Won Kim, STRI's John H. Christy and Jae C. Choe, a top pick in Evolutionary Biology. It was one of five he picked out of the 82 he has processed....


TEP's shore fishes and its biogeographic subdivisions

TEP's shore fishes and its biogeographic subdivisions

April 13, 2009

The Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) is an isolated marine biogeographic region with a high level of endemism among coastal fish species...


Fernandez-Marin receives Tupper Fellowship

Fernandez-Marin receives Tupper Fellowship

April 09, 2009

Hermógenes Fernández-Marín received the Earl S. Tupper Three Year Postdoctoral Fellowship for young, promising scientists, the most prestigious research award offered by STRI...


Celebration of Rubinoff's leadership and vision

Celebration of Rubinoff's leadership and vision

April 06, 2009

STRI donors, international and local friends, the scientific staff and members of the administration attended a celebration in honor of STRI director emeritus Ira Rubinoff...



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