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The following represents the content we have available in this category:
External link Veterans’ Risk of Prostate Cancer Exit Disclaimer
A study out of the Medical College of Georgia found that males exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War were more likely to have a higher risk of prostate cancer aggressively returning.
External link Blood Sugar linked to Dementia Exit Disclaimer
A Kaiser study finds that decreased levels of blood sugar that often resulted in hospital visits were associated with an increased risk of dementia in elderly patients with Type 2 diabetes.
External link Relief may Rest in Combination Drugs Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from the Medical College of Georgia believe they may have found hope for controlling neurodegenerative diseases by combining several drugs in one pill.
External link Research shows Physically Fit reap Mental Benefits Exit Disclaimer
Research published in the Neurobiology of Aging show that older women who were still physically active had better cognitive skills than inactive seniors with sedentary lifestyles.
External link Treating sleep apnea boosts Memory Exit Disclaimer
The treatment of sleep apnea in Alzheimer’s patients seems to increase cognitive function, according to an article published in the November issue of the Journal of the American Geriatric.
External link One Virtual Colonoscopy offers Two Benefits Exit Disclaimer
Scientists who use computer-generated images taken from a CT colonography are noting the ability to simultaneously determine whether or not individuals who are being screened for cancer also have osteoporosis, according to data presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in December.
External link Exercise Benefits Brain Exit Disclaimer
A study in the November Journal of Applied Physiology, finds that exercise can actually reverse the decline in neural stem cell productions that is a result of aging.
External link Alzheimer’s Rapid Test Developed Exit Disclaimer
In the online Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, researchers from Emory University have developed a rapid test for the beginning stages of the disease.
External link Researchers Look to Marijuana for Solutions Exit Disclaimer
Scientists from Ohio State University believe that some of the elements in marijuana may reduce inflammation in older brains, thereby reducing memory impairment.
External link Link found between Education and Alzheimer’s Exit Disclaimer
In the November issue of Archives Neurology, researchers have found that highly educated people had higher cognitive scores despite the fact that they had plaque buildup in their brains like Alzheimer’s patients.
External link Elderly find Benefits in Supplements Exit Disclaimer
In a study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, researchers found that older people saw fitness level improvements from a dietary supplement taken by body builders and athletes.
External link Testing Vitamins in Hearing Loss Prevention Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at the University of Michigan are testing whether vitamins and minerals can be used to reverse noise-induced hearing loss. While testing a vitamin-mineral cocktail on guinea pigs, researchers found that 80 percent of hearing loss was prevented. Four clinical trails are being conducted around the world.
External link Relying on the Grandparents Exit Disclaimer
According to a study out of John Hopkins, utilizing grandparents to care for children instead of organized daycare cut child injury rates in half. This study appears in the November 2008 issue of Pediatrics.
External link The Effects of Stress Exit Disclaimer
A study out of the University of Southern California found that older Americans altered their decision-making behavior, regarding risk, more often than younger adults, after being exposed to stressors, according to an article appearing in Psychological Science.
External link Their Two Cents Exit Disclaimer
According to an article in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, older people have better results when their opinions, regarding treatment and medication, are taken into account.
External link Health factors in old age Exit Disclaimer
A study published in the October issue of Gerontology found that older people who had the best health also had a positive outlook on life, abstained from tobacco use, rarely consumed alcohol and had low levels of stress and a higher income.
External link Erasing the Past Exit Disclaimer
Scientists at the Medical College of Georgia have successfully removed selective new and old memories from mice by quickly manipulating brain proteins.
External link Exercise Curbs Stroke Effects Exit Disclaimer
In the Oct. 21 issue of Neurology, researchers found that people who had some sort of physical activity before having a stroke, were less likely to have a severe stroke and more likely to have a better recovery.
External link Heart Failure Linked to Fractures Exit Disclaimer
In the American Heart Association’s Journal, Circulation, researchers found that patients who were seen for heart failure had a greater risk for fractures, leading them to suggest that patients should be screened for osteoporosis and treated.
External link Genes that Control Cell Death Responsible for Hearing Loss Exit Disclaimer
According to research out of the University of Rochester Medical Center the genes that control the death of a person’s cells, may also be responsible for the death of cells related to hearing, but have yet to pinpoint the exact gene.
External link Public-Private relationship to Study the Aging
The National Institute on Aging and the McKnight Brain Research Foundation are coming together to fund research to that will look at what constitutes healthy cognitive abilities at various ages and fund clinical trials based on that information.
External link Nonsmoking males live longer Exit Disclaimer
Men who have never smoked still live longer, healthier lives than men who have quit smoking, according to an article in the Oct. 13 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.
External link Vision Loss More Common in People with Diabetes Exit Disclaimer
In the October issue of Archives of Ophthalmology, research points to the rate of blindness in people with diabetes, noting that 11 percent of American adults with diabetes have a form of visual impairment. The rate of diabetes is expected to more than triple by 2050 and people with diabetes have a higher rate of uncorrectable visual impairment.
External link The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep Exit Disclaimer
A study of older African Americans out of North Carolina State University has found a link between the quality of sleep elderly receive and their cognitive abilities. The study showed that participants who had more trouble falling asleep were also more likely to experience problems in memory.
External link Movement Necessary for Patients Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at John Hopkins University Medical School are recommending further study into the effects of prolonged bed rest for patients in intensive care units. In an Oct. 8 report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers note that keeping patients sedated while on bed rest can lead to weakened muscles and possibly physical impairment after being released from the hospital.
External link Circadian clock may affect Memory Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at Stanford have found hamsters with disrupted circadian systems have more trouble remembering things and learn new information.
External link The Importance of Location Exit Disclaimer
In the October 2008 issue of the Journal of Palliative Medicine, which focuses on increasing the comfort level of people dealing with major illnesses, where a person lives while sick can have an impact on his or her health. A state-by-state comparison is offered through their site to show how some of the 90 million people with varying diseases may fair in states with or without palliative programs.
External link Stem Cells Renew Cornea Exit Disclaimer
A study appearing in the journal Nature has documented the work stem cells do to regenerate the cornea. These stems cells reside in the eye and travel to the cornea in order to conduct repairs. The surface of the cornea is renewed every seven to 14 days.
External link Parkinson’s Information in Clear Language
Parkinson’s disease is not a normal part of aging, but affects more than half a million Americans. NIH will offer clear and accurate information about the disease through their Senior Health site, in order to satisfy people searching for facts about the disease.
External link NIH awards $21.25M in grants
In an effort to pinpoint how environmental factors affect Parkinson’s disease, the National Institute of Environmental Health and Sciences, under NIH, has awarded three grants totaling $21.25 Million researchers in Los Angeles, La Jolla, Calif., and Atlanta.
External link High-Risk Habits Linked to Lack of Awareness [PDF, 17KB] Exit Disclaimer
In a study published in the August 2008 issue of The Journal of Urology, researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health found that the more men participated in unhealthy habits like smoking, the less they were aware of the Prostate Specific Antigen or the importance of having a PSA test.
External link Healing the Effects of Stroke Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at Loyola University are studying ways to return mobility to people who have experienced debilitating strokes up to days and months after the incident. Trials of Nogo-A treatments, which jumpstarts nerve fibers in the brain and was developed for victims of spinal cord injuries, are expected to begin in 2012.
External link Obesity increases chances of disability Exit Disclaimer
In the August 2008 edition of the Journal of American Geriatrics Society, researchers from the Peninsula Medical School in England published their findings that show a strong link between obesity later in life and a greater likelihood of decreased mobility and disability than a link between obesity later in life and early death.
External link Appetite Controllers May Wane with Age Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from Monash University in Australia believe they have found that the brain cells that trigger a person to stop eating are attacked by free radicals and over time can lead to overeating and increased weight gain.
External link Study Finds 13 Percent of Elderly are Abused Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from the University of Chicago found that adults in their late 50s and 60s are more likely to report verbal, financial and physical abuse, which seemed to be related to physical impairment.

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