Threshold Program

The Government of Moldova initiated a national anti-corruption strategy in December 2004 with enactment of amendments to the criminal code and new laws on political party financing, conflict of interest, public procurement, and a code of ethics for public servants. Moldova requested MCC funding to address areas of persistent corruption including in the judiciary, health care system, and tax, customs and police agencies.  Moldova’s strategy recognizes that civil society and the media play a role in spotlighting corruption, and the government requested assistance for these groups to ensure proper monitoring and evaluation of the government’s performance. In January 2006, an anti-corruption alliance of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) was formed reflecting civil society’s attention and concern about the issue.

Improve the capacity of the judiciary to prevent and combat corruption

  • Develop and implement a secure automated case management system;
  • Develop enforceable codes of conduct, including conflict of interest provisions and disciplinary measures for judges, attorneys and court personnel; and
  • Make all registrations and court records, including pleadings, motions, records of proceedings, and opinions, available to the public.

Strengthen the monitoring capacity of civil society and mass media

  • Provide grants, training, and technical assistance to NGOs to monitor government anti-corruption reform efforts; and
  • Create a public-private working group to issue recommendations to increase the role of mass media in monitoring anti-corruption reforms.

Prevent and curb corruption in the health care system

  • Develop internationally acceptable standards for diagnostic and treatment protocols, and protocols for purchasing drugs and medical equipment; develop a code of conduct for medical personnel;
  • Establish criteria for budget priorities and releasing budget information publicly to increase transparency of health care financing and develop audit training and procedures for health sector managers; and
  • Establish citizen oversight boards and a national center of health sector ombudsmen.

Prevent and control corruption in tax, customs, and police bodies

  • Create a national information center to provide tax forms and advice to taxpayers;
  • Create a fraud prevention division within the fiscal service to improve its cooperation on investigations and prosecutions with anti-corruption law enforcement institutions and improve training on professional and ethics standards;
  • Improve recruitment, evaluation, and ethics code implementation systems in the Customs Service, and initiate improvement within the Internal Security Section to initiate and conduct internal corruption investigations;
  • Introduce the new Computerized Transit System, and create an independent team to monitor and report on corruption at border crossings; and
  • Launch an integrated informational system at the Interior Ministry’s guard units located in all regions of the country and sectors of Chisinau to collect and transmit information about acts of police corruption.

Strengthen efforts of the Center for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption (CCECC)

  • Create a single department for investigations at CCECC to improve information sharing;
  • Create an independent civilian board to monitor the activity of the CCECC and to advise the CCECC director;
  • Create and build capacities of the witness protection; improve whistleblower protection statutes;
  • Introduce a system for reporting acts of corruption among civil servants;
  • Make CCECC budget information available to the public; and
  • Strengthen CCECC’s public education program by developing an anti-corruption information strategy and public relations campaign together with civil society and mass media.

Highlights of Expected Results of the Moldova Threshold Program

  • Reduce bribes connected with getting favorable judicial decisions;
  • Improve public reporting of corruption cases by Moldovan media;
  • Reduce the extent to which the health care sector is affected by bribes and other corruption; and
  • Reduce corruption in the tax administration, customs service, and police including payment of bribes by business owners.

Implementing Partners

U.S. Agency for International Development and the U.S. Department of Justice

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