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San Diego RCFL ASCLD Accreditation - 2008

[FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III
speaking at the San Diego RCFL
accreditation ceremony as SAC Keith
Slotter and San Diego Chief of
Police William Lansdowne look on.]

[FBI San Diego Division SAC Keith
Slotter at the podium. Pictured
from left to right are T. Greggory
Motta, Digital Evidence Section Chief,
FBI, Ralph Keaton, Executive Director
of ASCLD/LAB, FBI Director Mueller,
and San Diego Chief of Police William

[San Diego Police Chief William
Lansdowne at the podium, as the
SDRCFL staff looks on along with
(L-R) Gregg Motta, Ralph Keaton, FBI
Director Mueller.]

[SDRCFL Director Randall L. Bolelli
receives the ASCLD/LAB seal from
FBI Digital Evidence Section Chief T.
Greggory Motta]

[FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III speaks at the press conference
announcing the accreditation of the San Diego RCFL by ASCLD/LAB.]

[ASCLD/LAB Director Ralph Keaton
at the podium as Digital Evidence
Section Chief T. Greggory Motta along
with FBI Director Mueller look on.]

[ASCLD/LAB Executive Director Ralph
Keaton presents SDRCFL Director
Randall L. Bolelli a framed
certificate with FBI Director
Mueller and members of the SDRCFL
in the background.]
RCFL Webinar - June 6, 2007

[Law Enforcement Officers
watching the Webinar
at the IWRCFL on June 6th]

[Live Broadcast of the Webinar
at the NJRCFL Technology Complex
Auditorium, Hamilton, NJ]
RCFL Operations

[An Examiner at work
in the Silicon Valley RCFL]

[Pictured here is a training
class being conducted at the
Silicon Valley RCFL]
RCFL Openings

[EAD Kerry E. Haynes delivers remarks during a press conference at the KRCFL on October 20, 2006.]
KRCFL Opening

[SAC Laurie Bennett delivers remarks at the Western New York RCFL Opening]

[EAD Kerry E. Haynes, Operational Technology Division, delivers remarks at the grand opening of the WNYRCFL]

[Superintendent Joseph Daly, Lower Merion Police Department speaking at the Philadelphia RCFL Opening. Looking on are District Attorney G. Michael Green, Delaware County, SAC J.P. Weis, and U.S. Attorney Patrick Meehan.]

[SAC J.P. Weis delivering remarks at the Philadelphia RCFL opening]
PHRCFL Opening PHRCFL Opening

[Left: SAC Timothy J. Fuhrman, FBI Salt Lake Division, delivers his remarks at the opening of the Intermountain West RCFL, as members of the Executive Board and Sen. Orrin Hatch look on. Right: Sen. Orrin Hatch delivering remarks.]

[EAD Kerry E. Haynes, Operational Technology Division,
delivers remarks at the grand opening of the RMRCFL]

[On the left, SAC Richard C. Powers, FBI Denver Division, and Executive Board Chairman Sheriff Dave Weaver on the right, speak at the RMRCFL grand opening, with members of the Executive Board in the background.]

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