Press Release (

For Immediate Release

March 26, 2009

Contact: 202-521-3850


MCC Strengthens Anti-Corruption Approach: Policy Now Available to the Public

Transparency International-USA welcomes MCC anti-corruption efforts

Washington, D.C.—As part of its ongoing focus on anti-corruption efforts, the U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has made available to the public its integrated anti-corruption policy.  MCC developed the policy after consultation with experts, stakeholder groups, and a review of current best practices among other aid providers.  Transparency International-USA, a global coalition fighting against corruption, publicly welcomed MCC’s policy and recognized its focus on prevention, detection, and remediation of corruption and fraud in its poverty reduction programs around the world. 

“Good governance is the keystone of poverty reduction, and a major element of good governance is fighting the corrosive effects of corruption.  MCC expects a clear and unwavering commitment to control corruption from its compact countries, and controlling corruption is the focus of many of our threshold programs,” said Acting MCC Chief Executive Officer Rodney Bent.  “We will continue to work closely with our partner countries to implement this anti-corruption policy in an effort to create a better and more transparent environment for long-term sustainable development.”

In a letter to Acting CEO Rodney Bent, Transparency International President Nancy Boswell said, “We welcomed the MCC’s leadership in the development assistance community in making a commitment to anti-corruption an explicit requirement to qualify for assistance.  The new MCC Policy is another example, explicitly addressing ‘operational integrity’ - the management of corruption risk in MCC grants—through a publicly available policy and implementation tools.”

Control of corruption is one of MCC’s indicators that must be met in order for a country to become eligible to receive MCC compact assistance.  In partnership with MCC, countries continue to respond to the call to control corruption by passing stronger anti-corruption laws, strengthening oversight institutions, opening up the public policy-making process to greater scrutiny, and increasing corruption-related investigations and prosecutions.

To read the MCC Policy for the Prevention, Detection, and Remediation of Fraud and Corruption and learn about how MCC is helping fight corruption around the world, please visit Click here to read Transparency International-USA’s reaction to MCC’s new anti-corruption policy.  

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Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a United States government agency designed to work with developing countries, is based on the principle that aid is most effective when it reinforces good governance, economic freedom and investments in people that promote economic growth and elimination of poverty. For more information visit

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