The United States Conference of Mayors: Celebrating 75 Years Find a Mayor
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The Obama Administration has released its proposed Fiscal Year 2010 budget for the Federal Government.

Press Release: The U.S. Conference of Mayors Reacts to The Administration’s FY 2010 Budget (5/7)

Press Release: Cities Value Gun Trace Provision In President Obama’s Budget (5/8)

Mayors Leading the Way on Climate Protection
- 944 Mayors have joined the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement

Earth Day 2009
- See what cities did on Earth Day
- Press Release: USCM Celebrates Earth Day with Historic Block Grants

- About the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants

- 09 Mayors Climate Protection Awards — Winners to be announced in June

- Report: "Current and Potential Green Jobs in the U.S. Economy"

- Green Mayors in the Media

- Green Best Practices in Cities

>> Climate Protection Center

U.S. MAYOR Newspaper
In the April 6, 2009 Issue:

  • EECBG Program: Conference-led Energy Block Grant Program Launched
  • >> More Headlines from 4/6
    >> U.S. Mayor Home | Archives

    Mayors' '08 Action Forums

    - Report: National Action Agenda on Crime for the President and the 111th Congress

    - Report: National Action Agenda on Infrastructure for the President and the 111th Congress

    - Report: National Action Agenda on Poverty for the President and the 111th Congress

    - Report: National Action Agenda on Arts and Tourism for the President and the 111th Congress

    - Report: National Action Agenda on Environment and Energy for the President and the 111th Congress